有趣的笑话的英语,英语翻译:总共五盘棋,我赢了他三盘.3Q是一个简单的英语小笑话里面的,原始翻译是:I've beaten him three games out of five觉得这句好多人都听不懂啊,就没即时的效果了.嘿嘿~因为要做英语报告,大

文章 2年前 (2023) admin

英语翻译:总共五盘棋,我赢了他三盘.3Q是一个简单的英语小笑话里面的,原始翻译是:I've beaten him three games out of five觉得这句好多人都听不懂啊,就没即时的效果了.嘿嘿~因为要做英语报告,大

we played 5 games (of chess),(and) i won 3 (of them)
这样似乎算是能听得最明白了- -

英语翻译嗯...简单一点的,大概初一水平的英语笑话.英语单词在40~50之间,香蕉皮 “一只香蕉,有3个孩子要抢来吃。结果,给2个孩子抢去分吃了。你知道剩下1个孩子,得着什么

Math teacher said,"there was a banana,but 3 childs wanted to get it.Consequently,the two of them had got and eaten it.So what the third child got?"
the student answered,"He got..."
the teacher asked in surprise,"What?"
the student said,"the banana's peel"

急求一个五分钟左右的英语搞笑短剧 ,谢谢啊^^^^^^^

One day,the phone rang,and a little boy answered.
"May I speak to your parents?"
"They're busy."
"Oh.Is anybody else there?"
"The police."
"Can I speak to them?"
"They're busy."
"Oh.Is anybody else there?"
"The firemen."
"Can I speak to them?"
"They're busy."
"So let me get this straight -- your parents,the police,and the firemen are there,but they're all busy?What are they doing?"
"Looking for me."

句子翻译.1.她讲的笑话把我们都逗乐了.2.他擅长英语并且对孩子们很有一套.1.______ on Sundays

her jokes makes us all laugh.
he is good at English and can deal with children well.
which place does they always eat


tell funny stories; break a jest; tell jokes
