英语if minior problems怎么翻译,mini

文章 3年前 (2021) admin

Q1:英语 problems 怎么翻译啊 ?

答案:problems 【 麻烦,难题】 【很荣幸能帮你解答这道题】 【为了你宝贵的学习时间,我们将以最简略的方式为你解答】 【不懂追问,帮到你的话望及时选为满意答案,谢谢O(∩_∩)O~】

Q2:英语Minior imporvements怎么翻译?



1、每个人都应该认真履行自己的职责 everybody should perform his ty.2、如果能开车去的话,我们能省下很多的时间。 we can save a lot of time if we could drive there3、专家们特别强调了保护环境的重要性。 the experts especially emphasized the importance of protecting the environment.4、你应该把父母的话放在心上。 you should keep in mind your parents" words.5、这一决定使她在工作人员中大受欢迎。 this must make her popular among the missionaries.6、很明显,东西方文化存在很大的差别。 its obvious that there"s a big difference between the Chinese culture and the Western culture.7、历史是人民创造的。 its the masses who creat history.8、即使你说得是对的,也要考虑一下别人的建议。 you should consider other people"s advice even if yours are right.9、每次我去拜访他,他总是不在。 everytime I drop by he is absent.10、请你在星期五之前完成这份工作好吗? would you please finish this piece of work before Friday?11、真正重要的是他做了什么,而不是他说了什么。 its not what he says but what he does that matters.12、多亏他的帮助,试验中有关问题得到了解决。 thanks to his help,the concerning problems have been solved.13、快一点否则你会误了火车。 hurry up!or you"ll miss the train.14、他感到难以适应南方的生活。 he feel its hard to adapt to the life in the South.15、计算机在医学研究中起着越来越重要的作用。 computers have played a more and more important role in medical research.16、科法定继承人 我们的日常生活带来了很多变化。 ...have brought many changes in our life.(前面打错字了吧?)17、他们非常幸运地在车祸中幸存下来。 lucky enough,they survived the car accident.18、他拼命学习以便在这次考试中能够取得好成绩。 he spares no effort to study in order to get a good score in the exam.19、由于下雨,史密斯不得不放慢了车速。 Smith had to slow the car because of the rain.20、我期待着我能够独立的那一天。 I"m looking forward to the day when I become independent.英译汉 1. Animals perform many useful and entertaining johs. People realize that ,although animals may not have the same intelligence human beings, they are smart enough to learn to learn certain things. 动物做着许多有用而有趣的工作。人们知道,虽然动物没有人类那么高的智力水平,但他们足够聪明能学会一些事情。2.In the United States, cars remain necessities for most people even as large cities attempt to build faster and more efficient public transportation system. 在美国,即便大城市正尽力建造着快速高效的运输系统,对大多数人来说,汽车仍然是是生活的必备品。3. Some experts also emphasized the importance of being free to do what they wanted to do and of having a peaceful state of mind free form worried and stress. 一些专家还强调了他们有做他们想做的事情的自由和拥有远离焦虑和压力的平和心境是十分重要的。4.Since time has such different meaning in different culture, communication is often difficult .We will understand each other a little better if we keep this fact in mind . 由于时间在不同的文化中具有不用的含义,所以交流通常变得十分困难。如果我们能把这点牢记在心,那么我们就能更好地理解他人。5.Probably no other musical instrument is as popular around the world as guitar. Musicians use the guitar for almost every kind of music.可能世界上没有其他乐器比吉他更流行了。音乐家们几乎能在每种音乐中用到它。 6.In conslusion ,the study of color can help us to understand ourselves and to improve ourselves . It offers an alternative way to heal the body and spirit ,and it can help us to understand what others are trying to communicate . We can respond to their need and achieve a new level of understanding.总地来说,对色彩的研究能帮助我们理解并改进自身。它提供了另一种方法来治愈我们的身体和心灵,并且能帮助我们了解他人所想要传达的信息。我们能够对他们的需要做出回应因而达到相互理解的一个新阶段。 7.Everyone lies. Little lies,perhaps , may not cause serious problems,but still they are lies. We cheat on how old we are , how much we weight ,what we are paid. some people tell their children Santa Claus will come on Christmas EVE. 人人都说谎。小的谎言也许不会引起严重的问题,但他们仍然是谎言啊。我们对我们的年龄说谎,对我们的体重说谎,对我们的收入说谎。一些人告诉他们的孩子圣诞老人会在圣诞节前夜造访。8.Ideas about ecation are changing in the United States . Ecation today is not just a high school diploma or a college degree. Many alts are not interested in going to college. They are interested in other kinds of learning. 美国教育的定义一直在变化。今天的教育不仅仅是一个高中文凭或一本大学证书。许多成人根本不想念大学。他们倾向于其他方式的学习。9.Thousands of people register for continuing ecation class each year. They receive no diploma or certificate and no grade for most of the class they attend .For them,learning is something they do because they want to do .每年都有数以千计的人报名继续他们的学业。他们并没有得到任何文凭或证书,大多数课程甚至连等级分数都没有。对他们来说, 之所以学习是因为他们想要学习。10.Nowdays, many parents are very worried about the amount of the advertising on children .The advertisement aimed at children are very powerful.The children will want to try out the procts they see , but their parent might not have enough money to buy them.如今,许多父母对孩子接受的广告数量感到十分担忧。这些专门针对孩子的广告的有着巨大的影响力。孩子们想要尝试他们看到的产品,但是父母却并不一定有足够的经济实力去买他们想要的东西。终于翻完了~呵呵 `请参考~

Q4:if there is/are any problem怎么说正确




Q6:求助 英语高手进

3、1、3、3、3、4、4、3、2、1ordered registering 第三个没给空 know/should know have washed had expected getting communicating advertisements departing

版权声明:admin 发表于 2021年10月24日 上午2:07。
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