forest plantingafforestation Forestry例如:The government suggested large-scale afforestation. 政府提出大规模植树造林。Forestry has advanced with exceptional speed. 植树造林以罕见的速度得到了发展。
Q2:请翻译一下英文 急用
Q3:急求 植树的优缺点 的英语作文~快的必追加!!!急!!!
每年的三月十二日是植树节。今年的植树节我已经成为一名小学生了,学校大队部组织我们去郊外参加植树活动提高同学们从小就要懂得爱护大自然.爱护环境的意识。 这天上午天气晴朗,阳光普照着大地。我们乘车来到郊外的一片空地下车后,我就和同学们一起拿着铁锹、水桶、扛着小树苗。来到空地里开始种树。我是第一小组,我们的任务是为小树浇水。师若琪是第二小组,他们的任务是给小树施肥。于东立是第三小组,他们的任务是给小树挖坑.松土栽小树苗。大伙各自忙着做自己该做的事,干的热火朝天,兴致昂然的。每个人脸上都露出愉快微笑。等他们把树种好后该我们小组给小树苗浇水了,我们就到河边提了满满一桶水给小树苗浇水,仿佛看着白花花清亮亮的水倒入小树苗的嘴里它们大口大口地喝着好开心还一边喝一边说:“谢谢同学们辛勤劳动我们在你们的细心呵护下,一定会长成有用之才来造服人类”我听了后非常高兴更加感到自豪,想到多年以后这里我和同学们种植的小树苗会一棵棵长大成才变成一大片绿荫荫茂密的树林,那时我们再来这里会是怎样一种心情啊!正是因为有了像我们这样爱护和关心大自然的人们,我们的世界才会变得更美好更绿色环保。 这次植树节活动对我来说真是增长了很多见识,懂得了人类只有爱护大自然花草树木与它们和平相处我们世界才会更美丽富饶。
Q5:Project Green Hope是干吗的?
Q6:简单翻译一下下面的文章 选自百度百科的
The five greatest advantages of tree1.The tree can regulate weather, keep ecosystem balance, the tree passes photo-synthesis, inhale carbon dioxide, vomit oxygen, make the air sweep, fresh.The oxygen that an acre of forest let out enough 65 people breath. 2.The tree can defend the breeze solid sand, self-restraint Water and soil, can also absorb various st, can absorb various st 20-60 tons for an acre of forest a year.. 3.The forest can rece noise pollution.40 meters wide Lin2 Dai4 can die down noise 10-15 decibels.The pollution of noise all resulted in very big bane to the mankind"s life, study, work, rest...etc., can be treated as people"s"enemy".So we even want to value to plant trees a forestation.The noise can also make the mankind are in the long-term of the living pleasing to listener dint die down, deaf, become silly, the heart, blood pressure, nerve...etc. appear an abnormality.Even can also let the person enre long hardship under the death in the long-term noise.Plant trees a forestation so and then can make the noise let up 4 and 500%. 4.The secretion of tree can kill a germ.The vacant land signs to have in the square rice air each time 3, 40,000 germs, the inside of the forest only have 3, 400. Plant trees the forestation is us the obligation of each citizen, the nation still exclusively ruled on March 12 this day is an arbor day.Plant trees a forestation to all have very big advantage to our study, work, life...etc.. 5.Plant trees the forestation can purify air, beautify environment, green turn motherland etc., it can also make oxygen to be provided for people to absorb and inhale the carbon dioxide that people exhale.If not and in great quantities plant trees a forestation, so on the earth of oxygen, can hardly satisfy mankind with various living creature of need.