"Bilingual Lettering" project is a series of Latin-Kanji pairing studies for
use in bilingual lettering and logotype. Here documents 50+ pairing exercises as
well as some thoughts and notes gained through the process.「双语标准字」计划是一系列欧文–汉字双语标准字的风格对应讨论,本站目前收录了50多组样例,以及反覆修正过程中所得到的制作笔记。
These pairing examples are not solutions for developing systematic typefaces,
but the results of customizing the word "TYPE (type)" and "字". Since these two
writing systems are traditionally written with different tools, and the
character structures are also very different, in order to inject the same
personality into these two scripts, sometimes flexibility is necessary. Every
single pair bilingual lettering is a custom result, so there isn't only one
solution.这些双语标准字的对应关系并不适用为系统性的内文字体设计建议,而是"TYPE (type)" 及「字」两者之间「特制」的结果(1)
。由于两种文字在传统上所使用的绘制工具不同、文字结构也截然不同,「双语标准字」有时候是相互协调退让的结果,为的是能够展现出相同的性格与特色。可以说每一组双语标准字都是独一特例,也非唯一的解决方法。The lettering discussed here are those that both languages play equal roles
in expressing brand personality rather than one plays the hero and the other as
a supportive role.这里讨论的双语标准字是特指两种语言都能扮演传达品牌性格、并且能发挥一样程度重要性的设计,而不讨论以其中一种语言为主、另一种语言仅作为标注用途的标准字。