
文章 1年前 (2023) admin


A "viral ChatGPT" most likely refers to the recent phenomenon of AI language models, like OpenAI's GPT-3, gaining widespread attention and interest in the media and general public. These models use large-scale machine learning to generate human-like text responses to prompts, and have been touted as a breakthrough in natural language processing and AI technology.As with any new technology, there are concerns that AI language models could potentially displace human workers. For example, some have suggested that they could be used to automate jobs that involve writing or customer service, which could lead to job losses in these industries. However, it is important to note that AI language models are not yet advanced enough to fully replace human workers in these fields, and there is still a need for human creativity and empathy in many areas of work.Moreover, while AI language models have the potential to automate certain tasks, they also create new opportunities for human workers. For example, companies can use these models to generate content at a faster rate, which could lead to increased demand for writers and editors who can oversee and refine this content. Similarly, the ability of these models to understand and respond to natural language could lead to new jobs in fields like customer service, where workers can use these tools to assist customers more efficiently and effectively.Ultimately, the impact of AI language models on employment will depend on how they are deployed and integrated into the workforce. It is important to approach this technology with a thoughtful and measured approach, taking into account the potential benefits and risks. This may include investing in education and training programs to help workers develop new skills that are complementary to AI technology, as well as creating regulations and guidelines to ensure that these models are used in an ethical and responsible way.In summary, a viral ChatGPT refers to the recent surge in interest in AI language models, and while there are concerns that this technology could displace human workers, it is important to approach it with a balanced perspective and consider the potential benefits and risks. Ultimately, it will be up to policymakers, business leaders, and workers themselves to shape the future of work in an age of rapid technological change.


小编认为是不太可能,ChatGpt写出来的东西只是一堆生硬、无激情,不能带给读者爽感的文字。下面就是一段ChatGpt写出来的东西:问:杨明 穿越 遇到 公主 和亲 救驾 写500字的文章ChatGpt答:杨明是一个年轻的男子,他总是喜欢冒险。有一天,他突然穿越到了一个奇妙的王国。这个王国的公主正面临着一个严峻的困境,她的父亲因为生病而无法治疗。杨明决定要帮助公主。他花了很多时间寻找一种方法来治疗国王。最终,他找到了一种方法,并帮助国王康复。公主对杨明的帮助非常感激,并决定给他一个奖赏。然而,杨明并不在乎这个奖赏。他决定留在王国,帮助公主统治这个国家。公主很高兴,她决定和杨明结婚,以让他成为她的王夫。杨明和公主一起生活了很多幸福的日子,并一起治理着这个国家。他们的爱情传遍了整个王国,成为了所有人所羡慕的一对夫妇。整个王国都为杨明和公主的爱情感到高兴,因为它带来了和平与繁荣。杨明和公主一起生活了非常幸福的一生,永远被人们铭记。因此,ChatGpt的能力远远没有达到让人类焦虑的地步,尤其是在需要灵感的创作领域。如果想用ChatGpt来写小说,没有灵魂的文字,也不会有人看。只有能让人充满想象的东西才能让人流连忘返!






这两天哪哪都能看到ChatGPT。ChatGPT火了,火得。开发ChatGPT的OpenAI公司首席执行官山姆·奥特曼(Sam Altman)也在一夜之间名声大噪。最近,他被社交媒体称为“ChatGPT”之父。ChatGPT是美国人工智能研究实验室OpenAI开发的智能聊天机器人,于2022年11月30日发布。ChatGPT是人工智能技术驱动的自然语言处理工具,它能够通过学习和理解人类的语言来进行对话,还能根据聊天的上下文进行互动,真正像人类一样来聊天交流,甚至能完成撰写邮件、视频脚本、文案、翻译、代码等任务。各种文章、报道把ChatGPT吹的天花乱坠——能聊天、能写诗、能编程、能画画、还能查文献、能做作业……ChatGPT还要让谁谁谁失业。

版权声明:admin 发表于 2023年2月22日 上午9:27。
转载请注明:chatgpt网页,爆火的ChatGPT到底是啥 | 热豆腐网址之家
