
文章 2年前 (2022) zhouzhou123

Cartoon Brew | Animation News, Animated Cartoons





Cartoon Brew平台每年都会举办一届学生动画节,征集世界各地的优秀动漫设计,鼓励学生们创新,建议有志从事动画片剧情、角色和分镜图的创作人士提交他们的作品。

Cartoon Brew is the largest animation entertainment blog on the Internet, presenting news about animated films, cartoons and CGI technology.

Each day, Cartoon Brew brings the latest news and trends in animation to over 20,000 different artists, entertainment execs and cartoon aficionados. Animation authorities Jerry Beck and Amid Amidi – both of whom are recognized historians and published authors, with long experience in the animation industry – cover a wide range of topics, including contemporary and classic animation from around the globe, CGI, advertising, design, anime and industry/business news. Amid’s book “Cartoon Modern” was awarded the best film book of 2006 by the prestigious Theatre Library Association, and Jerry Beck’s “The Hanna-Barbera Treasury” won the Gold (Pop Culture category) in ForeWord Magazine‘s 2007 Book of the Year awards.

版权声明:zhouzhou123 发表于 2022年2月11日 上午6:46。
转载请注明:卡通酿造|动画新闻,动画卡通 | 热豆腐网址之家
