英语which is a significant amount怎么翻译,which is right

文章 2年前 (2021) admin


学习的结果. 辨认系统布局包括获得、兼容性和操作的方面。 确定对网络的标准化和共用的需要。 情节, 高速互联网连接是适当为了连接所有计算机在家庭网络到互联网。三个主要方式使家庭用户获得与互联网的快速的连接是数字式用户回线(DSL), 缆绳, 和卫星。DSL 由电话公司提供, 缆绳由有线电视公司提供, 并且卫星连接由卫星电视提供者提供。DSL 和电话业务一样分享电话线, 但它使用电话线带宽的一另外部份。它不干涉正常电话服务因为有重大相当数量未使用的容量在当前的电话导线里。每个有它的好处和不利, 包括互联网通入、费用, 和可及性的极小和最大速度。 确定优选的高速互联网连接依靠主要网络将被找出的地方, 地方费用, 和可服务性。方式获得最佳的高速互联网连接将研究选择可利用在您的区域。 承担您活在突出的镇区域。您决定那高速互联网通入和Wi Fi 网络会是有利的至于您的家庭使用。发现答复对以下问题为这个小镇。 导致一个报告强调以下要求: a) 描述介入的技术, 给出是可利用的高速互联网通入方法的一个清除指示。 b) 哪项服务提供最佳的服务? 最便宜哪个? 辩解您的答复。 c) 描述以例子Wi Fi 技术的重要性(即怎么技术有或将影响人在工作和社会生活) 。 d) 描述标准要求为Wi Fi 技术(即基本要求的成功的实施譬如硬件、软件、技能、费用, 等) 。 e) 在什么情况下描述技术可能被实施(即任何特别考虑或前提譬如安全、安全、章程, 等) 。 f) 描述这样的技术是适合为实施的地方(即为具体产业和现场) 。 g) 描述好处/力量为实施Wi Fi 技术。 h) 描述不利/问题为实施Wi Fi 技术。 i) 根据您收集的信息, 写一个计划为订阅对一项高速互联网连接服务使用相关的图, 图和提供选上的标准的实施的一个简单的例证。





Q4:翻译以下英文:Evaluation is a significant phase of the ~~~~~~~~~


Q5:英语a significant leverage怎么翻译?



Secondary school students in schools should not use mobile phones The current secondary school students into the campus with cell phones has become rampant, and this move seriously affected the normal order of schools and the physical and mental health of students, secondary school students in the campus should not use the phone. First, students in schools using mobile phones distract the attention of learning. As middle school students still in the adolescent stage, the lack of social experience, control and ability to resist the temptation of the poor in the use of new mobile phones this new proct will be a certain extent Enable students to forget one"s own. For example, on the phone with most of the students into the campus almost all classes in the use of mobile phones play games, there are messages from time to time in the ring to interrupt the normal teaching teachers, such actions not only affected the order in the classroom And held up their own learning. Second, students in schools using mobile phones will cause competition between the psychology students. Although the phone is not expensive, but serious students of the Victory psychological, must buy the phone better than others to meet the hearts of vanity. According to sociologists The survey, all favorable conditions families of students at an average annual要换four mobile phones, and more and more new models, the prices of more expensive, extravagant consumption ring the phone with the amount of the turnover rate and rapid rise. Huijinrutu these students, Lost money the normal values, long past, Shemi comparisons of the wind all the more difficult to control. Finally, secondary school students in the campus to use mobile phones for their own health adversely. It is well known cell phone radiation is a strong high-tech procts, and in the campus if students carry a mobile phone, this is undoubtedly to the health of students buried hint. Some experts have said , Because young people are in their ears and skull adolescent alts more than the smaller, thinner, so middle school students to carry cell phones when the brain"s absorption of radiation higher than 50 percent of alts in the school as long carry and use mobile phones According to secondary school students is bound to the brain caused by nerve damage, caused headaches, memory dissipated. Whether from the attention of students, competition is also psychological and health and allow the use of cell phones on campus is a benefit without harm. In short, students in schools should not use mobile phones

版权声明:admin 发表于 2021年11月8日 上午7:54。
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