英语All the Flow You’d Expect怎么翻译,youarethesun

文章 2年前 (2021) admin

Q1:英语All the Flow You’d Expect怎么翻译?




Q3:英语问题:They were the last people you'd expect to

综述:They were the last people you"d expect to 这句用到了定语从句,you"d expect to be involved in anything strange or mysterious是从句。you"d expect前面本来也可加who来引导这个从句,但在定语从句中,who可省略。because they just didn"t hold with such nonsense:因为他们不赞同这种荒谬的念头。整段意思是:指望他们探秘是不可能的事,因为他们不赞同这种荒谬的念头。英语翻译技巧:第一、省略翻译法这与最开始提到的增译法相反,就是要求你把不符合汉语,或者英语的表达的方式、思维的习惯或者语言的习惯的部分删去,以免使所翻译出的句子沉杂累赘。第二、合并法合并翻译法就是把多个短句子或者简单句合并到一起,形成一个复合句或者说复杂句,多出现在汉译英的题目里出现,比如最后会翻译成定语从句、状语从句、宾语从句等等。这是因为汉语句子里面喜欢所谓的“形散神不散”,即句子结构松散,但其中的语意又是紧密相连的,所以为了表达出这种感觉,汉语多用简单句进行写作。而英语则不同,它比较强调形式,结构严谨,所以会多用复杂句、长句。因此,汉译英时还需要注意介词、连词、分词的使用。


???公司简介一、公司基本信息1、公司名称:深圳市正浩德科技有限公司2、地址:深圳市宝安区松岗街道广田-田村工业公园路C座3、电话: (0755) 27149434 4、传真: (0755) 27149315 5、电子邮件: zhenghaode@yeah.net第二、经营理念统一、创新、诚信、服务、效率。三、公司历史姚电子于1999年成立,主要从事计算机、通信和消费电子仪器,并已在北京上海设立分公司。通过不断发展壮大,2007年正式成立深圳市市政正浩德科技有限公司,位于深圳市光明高新技术产业基地西部三公里长的高速出口处,紧邻107国道和宝安大道,交通十分便利。自成立以来,分公司一直专注于日常用品、电子、电器仪表、仪器仪表、汽车配件应用塑料金属制品、精密金属模具塑料的开发和生产。通过多年的不懈努力和实践经验的积累,已发展成为拥有开发设计、精密模具制造、注塑成型、金属冲压和装配作业为一体的工厂。主要产品:首先,塑料类:电脑连接器;吸尘器电器、机电机运转盖我。风轮;马达外壳。二、硬件类别:连接器公共端子;微电机外壳、定转子盐片等配件,以及其他大块金属精冲;三、代工品类:鼠标、键盘等塑料配件;日用消费品塑料塑料件;家用电器塑料配件;电工仪表板、仪表外壳;户外照明、AIDMO照明、舞台照明等配件。与聚丙烯、聚乙烯、丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯共聚物、聚碳酸酯、聚碳酸酯丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯共聚物、聚苯硫醚、尼龙、橡胶、塑料类材料相关的塑料制品。本着"以人为本,以质取胜,诚信服务,永续经营"的经营理念,我们已成功为多家大中型企业提供生产支持服务,并获得客户的高度认可。公司以国际标准化组织9001:2000质量体系为基础,从设计过程中建立了一整套生产标准。并积极响应全球环保运动,致力于污染预防和持续改善。同时不断引进国内外先进技术和生产检测设备,大力优化和整合企业资源,秉承专注服务,服务质量稳定的新老客户。全部正浩德国人始终以"真诚、谦虚、务实、热情"的态度迎接八方客商的工厂实地考察指导,我们期待与您在更高层次的工艺或技术合作领域保持密切互动,建立共同发展、合作的平台。公司历史: 1999年2月:耀电子有限公司成立深圳;2000: 7月北京正耀高科电子科技发展有限公司成立;2001年8月:耀上海数码科技有限公司成立;2003年3月:深圳市耀科技有限公司成立;2007年9月30日深圳市正浩德科技有限公司成立;?


Motivating Employees: Steps For Successful Staff Motivation 激励员工:成功的员工激励步骤Employee motivation is less about figuring out how to motivate staff and more about learning how to ensure your staff are self-motivated. 员工激励,不是关于弄明白如何激励员工,而是学会如何保证员工自我激励。At the end of the day, you need staff who are self-motivated. You can"t force staff to be motivated just like you can"t force them to be happy. What you can do is foster a positive environment where staff understand what the company is trying to achieve and where they buy into the bigger goals of the company and choose to be part of it. 一天结束的时候,你需要是已经自我激励了的员工。你不能强迫你的员工发挥积极性就像你不能强迫他们高兴是一样的道理。你所能做的就是营造一个积极的氛围,员工们理解公司正在努力实现的目标,购买到公司更大的目标和融入到公司里面来。Here are some suggestions for properly motivating employees and fostering an environment where staff will be self-motivated:Understand what motivates each of your staff. The first step to motivate employees is to understand what motivates them indivially. What motivates one person might not be nearly as important to someone else. Don"t assume that each of your staff wants the same thing. 恰如其分的激励员工,营造员工愿意自我激励的氛围,以下提供了一些建议:明白什么东西可以激励每一位员工。激励员工的第一步是,明白什么东西可以激励他们每一个人。能够激励甲员工的方法不一定对乙员工有用。不要假设你的员工都需要的是同一件东西。Give regular feedback. Even if your company gives formal employee appraisals, offering regular feedback to your staff between these appraisals can be a great way to motivate them. Acknowledging your employees?work and how it has contributed to company goals helps to make staff see the contributions they have made. 定期反馈。即使你的公司给员工提供正式的评估,在这些评估之间定期给你的员工提供反馈,是调动他们积极性的一个很好的方法。确认你的员工的工作和对公司的目标所做的贡献,有助于让员工看清楚他们所做的贡献。Give rewards. Money and other similar rewards aren? necessarily great motivators since not everyone is money motivated. After understanding what motivates each of your staff, you might find that giving them more time off, flexible work hours, job sharing, working from home and things of that nature might be more desirable to your staff than monetary rewards. 给以奖励。钱和其相类似的奖品不是必要的很好的激励品,因为不是每一个人的积极性都是用钱来调动的。明白了什么东西能调动你的每一位员工,你可能会发现多给他们休假的时间,很富弹性的工作时间,工作进行分担,在家工作以及这类性质的东西可能更加是你的员工所合意的,而不是货币报酬。Offer training and employee improvement options. One great way of motivating employees is to stress the importance of their continued learning and to offer ways for them to keep learning. Offering inhouse training or enabling staff to choose selected training courses that the company will pay for are two ways to ensure that staff remain in touch with your business while also illustrating that the company values its employees.提供培训并且改善员工的选择。一个非常好的提高员工积极性的方法是强调继续学习的重要性,并且给他们提供学习的多种途径。提供在家里培训或让员工能够选择已经选好了的公司出钱的培训课程,是保证员工仍然跟你的商业保持联系的两种方法,同时也说明该公司重视员工的价值。Ensure that your staff understand company goals and results. One of the worst things can be to work in a company (especially a large one) and not fully understand what the company"s goals are or how the company is doing overall. It"s important for managers to ensure that there is an information flow that reaches staff and that relevant information is shared. 保证你的员工清楚公司目标和成绩。一个最糟糕的事情是在你的公司干活(特别是大公司),却不怎么知道这家公司的目标是什么,或者总体上不知道你的公司是做什么的。对于公司经理们来说,保证信息流通到每一位员工并进行相关的信息共享是非常重要的。Don"t expect an increase in job performance. When instituting methods to improve staff motivation, don"t expect that the result will be an immediate or even noticeable increase in their job performance. Not all staff will react the same way to your motivation efforts and some of your staff may already be performing as best as can be expected. The goal of employee motivation should be to ensure you are doing everything you can as a manager to properly motivate your staff and to provide them with tools they need to succeed but not all of them will react the same way.不要指望提高工作绩效。当制定方法,提高工作人员的积极性时,别指望在他们的绩效中立竿见影。不是每一位员工对你的激励努力做出相同的反应,而且你的有些员工已经表现得跟你的期待的那样,已经绩效完美了。员工激励目标应该保证,你作为管理人员,在尽你的最大可能,合理的调动员工的积极性,并且给他们提供他们获得成功的必备工具,但不是他们所有的人都会有相同的回应。


**店铺政策**** Store Policy **1. 关于产品: 我们的产品均为顶级的1:1品质,质量上乘,绝不是其他的三流廉价次品可比的。欢迎各位买家及批发商前来订购,我们很乐意与你们建立长期的合作关系,作为合作伙伴你们将可以得到更加优惠的价格。1. About Procts: All of our procts have the highest 1:1 quality. Our superior quality absolutely cannot be compared to other inferior third-rate procts. All buyers and wholesalers are welcome to order. We will be happy to establish a long term cooperative relationship. As a cooperative partner you will be able to get better preferential prices.# 什么是1:1品质? # 目前服装市场上存在着不同价格和不同质量档次的产品,质量从高到底的顺序为: 1 : 1 > Super A+ > A+ > B+ ,价格也是如此。所以 1:1的产品也是目前市场上质量最好的产品。# What is 1:1 quality?# Currently, there are procts with different prices and different quality grades in the clothing market. The order of quality from high to low is: 1:1 > Super A+ > A+ > B+, and procts are priced accordingly. So 1:1 procts are also currently the best quality procts on the market.2. 付款方式: 我们接受买家使用PayPal支付货款(推荐使用这种便捷的方式并有利于保护买家的权益),除此之外我们还接受"Western Union" 和"Money Gram"等传统的汇款方式(这种付款方式付款人需要向我们索取收款人信息)。2. Method of Payment: We accept buyer"s payment by PayPal (the use of this convenient method is recommended and helps to protect the rights and benefits of the buyer). In addition, we also accept "Western Union", "Money Gram", and other traditional methods of remittance (the payer for these methods of payments needs to request payee information from us).3. 物流运输方式: 买家下订单之后我们会检查该产品的库存并准备货物,当我们确认收到买家的货款之后就开始对货物进行包装以适应物流运输。48小时之内我们将通过国际快递服务将货物发至买家指定的收货地址,我们合作的快递服务商有UPS, FedEx, EMS, DHL。我们会向买家提供发货的快递运单号码,买家根据该号码随时可以访问USPS网站查询货物的物流信息,正常情况下买家付款之后的5~7个工作日就会收到对应的货物。3. Transportation Logistics: After buyer"s order is placed, we will check the proct"s inventory and prepare the goods. Upon our confirmation of receipt of buyer"s payment, packaging of goods will be concted to meet the transportation logistics. Within 48 hours we will send the goods to the buyer"s specified delivery address via international courier services. The courier service providers we work with are: UPS, FedEx, EMS, and DHL. We will provide the buyer with the shipment"s express waybill number. With this waybill number, the buyer can visit the USPS website at anytime to inquire about the logistical information of shipped goods. Under normal circumstances, the buyer will receive the corresponding goods in 5 to 7 working days after payment.

版权声明:admin 发表于 2021年11月8日 上午7:52。
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