英语Development Suit怎么翻译,英语发音

文章 3年前 (2021) admin

Q1:英语Development Suit怎么翻译?



1.suit的用法我们知道suit的意思是适合,我们看看suit的用法。This arrangement suits us perfectly.这个安排对我们来说太合适了。suit sb.:be convenient for/acceptable to sb. 对……合适;能被……接受例句:It"ll suit him very well if we set off at 8 in the morning.如果早上8点出发会对他很合适。Well, it suits me. 哦,这倒对我挺合适的。2.suit 一词的用法   一、suit作及物动词用,意为"适合",主要指颜色、衣着、发式、时间、口味、气候、条件、地位等适合某人。如: no dish suits all tastes. 没有合人人口味的菜。 does the style suit you? 这个款式对你适合吗? i"m afraid tuesday suits me better. 我想星期二对我更合适。 the new dress suits you very well. 这件新衣服你穿很合身。 long hair suits her. 留长发适合她。 在表示"使……与……相配"、"使适合于"之意时,常用suit sth to sb /sth, 如: he suited his speech to the audience. 他使……


"Why did you choose this major?".The problem of the understanding of the students study professional level, the student can like to take this opportunity to introce myself had done related research."You prefer natural scientific or social science?"" what to do after graation? "The interviewer ChangTong such problems, understand a student like do technique work, creative work or communication, public relations work are introverted or extroverted. For student, choose to suit oneself interest and the development direction of the personality is very important, the school interview pays great attention to the student indivial character study.How were your results?"Your professional direction? (what you will go to professional direction?)1, (family members) to your parents go abroad is a any idea?Suggest the answer: thank you support, the government of Singapore gives us the opportunity to thank the school provides the opportunity.2, jilin university in China is a good university, why did you enter oneself for an examination of nanyang university of technology of Singapore and the national university of Singapore?Suggest the answer: you said, yes, the not wrong in domestic jilin university is a good university, but Singapore nanyang polytechnic university and the national university of Singapore for students, and to provide a full scholarship or world school, so I choose. (don"t pay attention to domestic and foreign universities university that comparison is difficult to distinguish between, especially for these haven"t you experience.)3, (as the class cadre), you the deepest impression, most of the fulfillment a activities (or something)??? What???Answer: the best advice to a group of public welfare activities: (such as: in a year when, to help the class a family difficult students, I organization of students to his house of toys and books, although charity sale to class is not much, there are only 500 yuan, but when we put the money to the charity that classmate, and she was very moved.)4, what are your personal hobbies? Related field and special events famous said a two?Suggest the answer: the authenticity of the file you subject investigation, such as you to fill in like singing, he gave one to two stars, and tell their songs, and said why like this several songs. Can a character from star to "why like them, such as their love for their professional charity, love and very rigid.5, you for the interview partner how to evaluation? If you take one of the name, what do you feel about it?Answer: I suggest students he also very good, if he lost the election, may be the face a play poor. Hope he can grasp the opportunity. After all6, self briefly (two minutes to complete)Suggest the answer: pay attention to don"t want to die, so back it"s easy to let the examiner feel you are a must don"t. The answer is too fluent will make the interviewer to ask some tough questions. Interview is not the time to talk about the life of his meticulous situation or study experience, but to trying to let the interviewer to know you tell them something, these things should make you in many students have the advantage.7, know how many "Singapore" (human, geography, municipal and two university)Suggest the answer: check the web page introces Singapore.8, you to work in Singapore after graation to six years have what idea? Describe a terms in the next 10 to engage in professional (responsibilities, company category, the position, etc.)Answer: I would like to accept Suggestions related terms of service. In the next ten years, I want to first of all is to grasp the opportunity to study in college, the professional knowledge to learn, and to take part in some social practice, increase your work experience. After graation I want to be engaged in and learn the related work of professional, such ability in the right position of application expertise, and play.9, how do you know our school recruit students of things? You are recommended to the school or the selection of the exam?Answer: the teacher know Suggestions to recruit students of the school of things. We are the teacher recommended and school selection combination.10, you ability to adapt to the new environment? Can cook? How to make the noodles?Answer: I suggest the stronger ability to adapt. I start from junior middle school in a boarding school, self life relatively strong capacity. I"m good at communication with classmates and teachers, since the childhood, classmates and teachers all like me. I can do some simple dish, noodles to open later in who before cooking it, or we will be burning.


由于过分追求GDP的发展而轻视文化建设,导致了文化断层的不良后果。两种建议——分别保留前、后分句主体基础上小修Due to excessive pursuit of GDP development and failure to attach importance to cultural construstion, negative result as cultural gap is generated.Excessive pursuit of GDP development and failure of paying attention to construstion of culture lead to negative result as cultural gap. 祝:H N Y,及考研顺利顺心。


欧美英语:西方风格西方读法语英语[" west(n )]美国["wstn]形容词西方的,西方的;n .具有西方特色的西方人;西方电影,西方小说短语:西方文化西欧西方发展西方文明;西方文化西餐西餐;西餐西方式;西式;欧美西半球西半球例子:没有西方风格的建筑,没有什么是不可能的!没有什么是不可能的。西式建筑只会让你眼花缭乱!西方的扩展用法:1。western主要用作句子中的定语,偶尔也用作表语。2.西部没有比较水平和最高水平。3.western的意思是“西方的,西方的,在西方的,在西方的”,意思是世界的西部或一个国家,或属于或在西方的一个地方,有时大写。4.“西方、西方”和“西方”这两个词都可以解释为“在西方”。不同的是,west侧重于描述方位或指代来自西方的东西;西方的意思是从一个固定的点向西看,或者从一个东西或一个地方向西看。



版权声明:admin 发表于 2021年10月23日 上午9:14。
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