
文章 3年前 (2021) admin


Getty Images It’s shortly after 10 a.m., and The Body—all 237 pounds of him—is in his cubicle, sifting through e-mails. I’m wedged next to his liver, sifting through the metabolic remains of his morning drink: Vitaminwater. It calls itself a “nutrient enhanced” beverage, a nutritious cocktail. Ha! It’s mostly sugar in a bottle, and I love it. It sneaks past the digestive system and lands in the liver, which converts it to fat and sends it straight to me. What a bonanza!It’s a great time for me and my brethren fat cells. After millennia of toeing the line and giving up our stores whenever the muscles and nerves called on us, we’re now taking over. You don’t have to take my word for it. You can see it on the streets every day. More than 35 percent of alt Americans are obese. Not just overweight—obese. Cardiovascular disease? Type 2 diabetes? Cancer? Not my problem. I’m livin’ large.By 11 a.m.,The Body’s starving. That muffin he had for breakfast provided plenty of calories, but they don’t satisfy him the way they used to. See, it’s my job to send a hormone signal—called leptin—to the brain so it makes The Body feel full. It used to work like a charm. But these days, I pump leptin like it’s a Middle Eastern oil well, and it just floats around in the bloodstream, aimless. With all that excess insulin swirling around to help The Body sop up his extra sugar intake, the brain doesn’t receive my usual leptin signal and issue the “you’re stuffed, stop eating” message. So he’s more apt to feel hungry soon after he finishes eating.Life is sweet—saccharine, really. But it wasn’t always. I remember 40 years ago (The Body was barely a teenager) when I was born along with many of my fatty friends (puberty, the school nurse called it, which is when most alt fat cells should finish forming). I’d wait all day for some spare fatty acids I could store. Back then, most of the nutrition got used up. We fat cells would swell slightly, then shrink again. Those were lean times.But I’m not going anywhere. I mean that literally. Fat cells never disappear. We’re virtually indestructible. The Body can deprive me of the greasy good stuff, and I’ll wither—but when he hits the drive-through again, I’ll rebound faster than he can say “Supersize me!” In a normal body, fat cells are mostly done forming after puberty. But if you’re obese, your fat cells plump up so much that new ones can be created. And lately, my neighborhood’s been getting a little crowded. Every time a fellow fat cell fills up and hits its maximum storage capacity, a new fat cell pops up next door. I’ve heard that a normal body has around 40 billion fat cells, but The Body rolls deep—in here, there are 80 billion just like me!I’m pretty lucky. Back when The Body went off to college, he developed a soda habit. At almost every lunch, he’d knock one back. It was a special treat, and I’d snag a few fat droplets from the liver each time and store them up. He liked the caffeine, too, the pep it gave him in the afternoon. Soon enough, after The Body graated and found a job, he needed another can of soda just to push through the midafternoon slump. That was the start of my glory years.Nephron via Wikimedia Commons Hear that? The Body’s opening a can of soda as he digs in to his low-fat microwave lasagna. He’s trying to cut back, shed a few pounds—and hey, if you’re trying to lose weight, it makes sense to eat less fat. But have you ever tried lasagna without butter or oil? Tastes like cardboard. So there’s extra salt and sugar to compensate, and it’s still easy for me to convert some of that sugar to fat and squirrel it away. He has no idea!The poor sap. Back in college, when The Body skied or cycled almost every weekend, his weight was under control. His diet had a lot less sugar, and his brain listened to my leptin warnings, quashing his hunger whenever I managed to plump up. I’d get a little ahead after a big weekend of beer and wings, inflate a tad. Then the next day he’d eat a bagel and apple for breakfast and jump on his bike. His muscles burned up all the handy glucose, and I’d be forced to break down some of my precious self into fatty acids and glycerol. I’d give glycerol to the liver, which would convert it into glucose to burn, and the fatty acids would go straight to the muscles for energy. I’d deflate and hunker down, waiting for his next binge.Now he polishes off the lasagna tray in six bites and swivels back to his computer, clicking and clacking through the afternoon. When he heaves himself from his chair to head home at 5 p.m., it’s the hardest his heart has had to work all day. I’m not worried, though—there’s plenty of fuel in his muscles to provide energy, so I never have to offer up any of myself to help. I’m lying low, laughing, confident I’ll never be called on to liquidate my stash.I get to relax ring the hour-long commute home. What will I have for dinner tonight? Fried chicken? Burgers? But when The Body sags into his chair at the dinner table, he sees grilled chicken and salad. Lettuce, tomatoes, peppers… and what the heck is that, toasted pine nuts?! Oil-and-vinegar dressing, not even creamy ranch. Unfortunately, the salad’s fiber slows his digestion of the sugary dinner roll he snags from the basket. What gives? he asks. We’re eating healthy, says his wife. No more junk for dinner.This could be bad for me, but I know The Body, and true to form, he cracks a beer. Sweet relief! I can score fat out of a beer as well as a can of soda. The ethanol it contains is a derivative of sugar, so some of the boozy goodness goes through the liver and converts to fat. After dinner, he takes the dog out for a walk. Thankfully, a casual stroll won’t exert enough energy to dip into my storage. Even better, when he gets home, he plops down to watch the game. Conditioned to snack at night, he grabs a Rice Krispies square, a tiny sugar boost for me. He slides into bed around midnight, hoping for his usual six hours of sleep. While The Body snoozes, I get to relax too. He doesn’t rely on my stores ring the middle of the night, so I’m waiting for morning and already pulsating. I know his lack of sleep will make him stressed, hungry, and more likely to crave sugary, high-carb foods. Mmm, maybe doughnuts for breakfast?

Q2:求一篇1000字 的英语文章

实际上淡水是非常紧缺的。(人口增加、工业用水增加) 3) 我们应该怎么办?全球淡水短缺一般来说,人们认为淡水是取之不尽的。每年都有足够的雨水。河流和湖泊里有大量的淡水。更重要的是,我们有很多地下水。事实上,淡水短缺。由于人口快速增长,淡水消耗量仍然很大。此外,随着工业的发展,需要更多的水。此外,我们的许多河流和湖泊已经被污染得无法饮用。我们必须采取一些措施来解决缺水问题。首先,应该减缓人口增长,以满足淡水需求。第二,应该控制污染来净化河流和湖泊中的淡水。最重要的是,我们应该珍惜日常生活中的每一滴水。再如:95年一月份试题:提纲:1) 有人认为钱是幸福之本(快乐的源泉)2)有人认为金钱是万恶之源(邪恶的根源)3)我的看法有人认为金钱是幸福的源泉。一旦他们有钱,他们就会享受一切。他们可以用手头的钱买一栋漂亮的房子,甚至是一个妻子。还有一些人认为金钱是万恶之源。由于对金钱的贪婪,人们会做各种各样的坏事,比如偷窃、抢劫甚至谋杀。金钱可以轻易地把一个善良、诚实的人变成一个残忍、狡猾的人。在我看来,上述两种观点都走向了极端。金钱本身既不是善也不是恶。这完全取决于我们如何看待它。我们不能否认金钱在现代社会的重要性。同时,我们也不应该忽视金钱买不到的东西,比如友谊、真爱等等。这两例都是采用了对应写作方式,将提示中的三句分别扩展成三段,三段之间相互衔接,构成一个完整的篇章。 2.调整法尽管是提纲式写作,提纲所提示的只是文章所要包括的主要内容,却不是文章的结构模式,一般情况下,同学们应根据英语文章的类型,重新安排文章。如上面有关钱的一个写作,按照英语的表达习惯,最好是加上一个引子钱是什么?对于这个问题,不同的人持有不同的看法。有些人认为金钱是幸福的源泉,而有些人则认为金钱是万恶之源。就我而言,他们都有他们的理由。那些认为金钱是幸福之源的人认为金钱意味着大量的房子、漂亮的衣服或豪华的汽车,可以让他们和他们的家人过上舒适的生活ly. They even believe that money can bring power, friendship, and love. But e to the temptation of money, there are many people who become thieves, robbers, or murderers. It is also out of the greed for money that some officials forget their ty and cause enormous losses to the country, so some people think that money is the root of all evil and suggest that we keep away from money. In fact, money is merely a medium of exchange. It may bring you happiness; it may lead you to a life of crime. Whether it is good or bad depends on how it is used. 二、 首段和尾段的写作 上一讲中我们介绍了段落的扩展模式,也就是说,我们已经了解了文章中间一部分的叙述模式。根据四六级写作的特点,一般首段和尾段都要自己补上,那么怎么才能写好首尾段呢,下面我介绍一下,首尾段的写作方式。 1.首段的写作 首段的写作方式一般为: 运用事实性信息、调查或故事等引出话题,2)导入主题,然后提出自己的观点,也就是文章的论点 首段开篇的方式常见的有: 1) 谚语法 由于谚语一般已经被大家所接受,用谚语提出自己的观点也容易被读者所接受。 As the saying goes, Money makes the mare go, but there are many things we can"t buy with money, such as time and true love. … 2) 定义法 定义法是通过对文章中的关键词做一些简单或正面或反面的解释,限定其范围,这样比较有利于引出主题。 Practice makes perfect is an old saying. It tells us that it does not matter if we are clumsy at doing something. As long as we keep on trying and practicing, we will do a good job in the end. 3) 提问法 通过提问一个或一连串的问题,可以激发读者的兴趣,从而引出主题。 a. Do you have many friends? Are they similar to you or different from you? Which kind of friends do you prefer? b. What is a good student? Different people may have different answers to this question. 4) 概括法 概括法指先总结文章内容所涉及的现状,然后引出主题。 In recent years, with the development of science and technology, the Internet has come into more and more homes and is playing a more and more important role in our work and daily life. It has become a must to us, but at the same time, Internet has also brought with it a lot of problems. 5) 故事法 故事法指用简单有趣的故事激发读者的兴趣,从而提出自己的观点。如下面Is Stress a Bad Thing? 6) 引语法 Just as eating without liking harms the health, learning without interest harms the memory and can"t be retained. From Vinci"s words we can see how important it is to motivate the students in language learning. 7) 调查法 为了得到读者的认可,文章的开始可以引出调查数据等,借以提出主题,如下面Is Stress a Bad Thing?的1)和Can Schoolchildren Start Using the Internet?的4)。 8) 假设法 假设法是指通过假设提出一种选择,交代文章要涉及的问题,从而提出文章的主题。 Suppose you were offered two jobs, one is highly-paid but rather demanding, the other is less demanding, but poorly-paid, which would you prefer? … 9) 综合法 具体写作时,同学们没有必要拘泥于一种方式,可以将上述方法总和起来。 首段示例1: 题目:Is Stress a Bad Thing? 提纲:1)有人害怕压力 2) 有人认为压力并不是一件坏事 3) 我的看法 I can"t stand the pressure and competition, explained one friend of mine when asked why he decided to quit his highly-paid but demanding position in his company recently. My friend may have his own reasons, but I don"t think his decision is wise in reality. It is true that my friend"s case is not unique. In the last few years quite a number of men and women have chosen to do something less competitive at the cost of a comfortable, easy life a highly-paid job can obtain. They are afraid that the stresses and strains of work will rob them of joy and happiness and do them harm both physically and mentally. In fact, however, stress isn"t the bad thing it is often supposed to be. Unless it gets out of control, a certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and challenge, and to give purpose and significance to an otherwise meaningless, idle life. People under stress tend to express their full range of potential and to actualize their own personal worth - the very aim of a human life. Stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way to avoid it. What we can do is to develop our adaptive abilities to deal with it rather than to escape from it. 就这一标题而言,根据所提示的提纲,首段的写作还可以采用下列方式: 1) According to a recent survey, in the last few years, quite a number of young people have chosen to quit their demanding but highly-paid jobs. Although they may have their own respective reasons, I don"t think their decision is wise in reality. 2) Which job do you prefer, a highly-paid but very competitive position or a poorly-paid but also less demanding job? You may choose the latter and have your own reasons, but I don"t think this choice is wise enough whatever reasons. 3) Faced with a hard and demanding task, people"s attitude varies widely: some try to avoid it and others regard it as a challenge to their abilities. In fact the choice we make between flight or fight make the difference between leaders and mediocrities(平庸之辈). 首段示例2: 标题:Can Schoolchildren Start Using the Internet? 提纲: 1)随着科技的发展,网络越来越普及; 2)网络有其优点但也有缺点; 3)我的观点 根据上面的提示,首段可有下列几种方式: 1) Nowadays, using the Internet has become a fashion. Many parents begin to teach their children to use the Internet. However, there are diverse opinions on this. Some think it wise, but I don"t agree with them. 2) Today, the Internet is becoming more and more common. It begins to play a more and more important role in our society and life. It"s so useful that most alts are learning how to use it. What about children? Of course they can start using it. 3) Today, with the development of science and technology, the Internet is beginning to play a more and more important role in our life. More and more people are starting to use the Internet, including schoolchildren. However, I think schoolchildren are too young to start using the Internet. 4) According to a recent survey, Internet users are becoming younger and younger, and Internet bars have become a resort for schoolchildren who log in to chat or play games. Faced with this phenomenon, many people argue for measures to prevent schoolchildren from using the Internet, and I think they have their reasons. 2. 结论段的写作 结论一般采用归纳概括、主题重述或提建议等方式。 常见的方式有: 1) 重述或总结主题 重述主题指于结论处以另外一种表达方式重申主题,与首段照应。 Families offer us warmth and care. Friends give us strength and horizon. They both help us understand the world as it is. Both of them are the dearest parts in our life. 2) 提出建议 Since postcards do us more harm and good, since we have many other ways to convey our feelings and promote our friendship, I hope everyone will take actions now to stop using postcards. 3) 概括总结 As we can see from the above, living in the suburb we can stay away from pollution, lead an easy leisure time, and needn"t invest too much money, so I prefer living in the suburb to living in the city. 4) 引用名人名言 In particular, I enjoy what Francis Bacon said Studies serve for delight, for ornament and for ability. 5)综合法 与首段一样,结论段也可以是多种方法的综合。一般说来,

Q3:求1000字英文短文三篇 不同体裁

一个爱情故事很久以前,有一个小岛上住着所有的感情,快乐,悲伤,知识,以及所有其他的感情,包括爱情。有一天,感情们得知岛伤沉了,于是都修好了船,离开了。爱想坚持到最后一刻,当小岛快要沉没时,爱决定寻求帮助。财富乘着一艘大船从爱身边经过。爱情说:"财富,你能带我一起走吗?"富裕回答说:"不,我不能。我的船上有很多金银财宝。这里没有你的位置。爱情决定问同样坐在漂亮的船上路过的虚荣:"虚荣,请帮帮我!"我帮不了你,亲爱的,你全身湿透了,可能会损坏我的船。虚荣回答。悲伤就在身边,所以爱请求帮助,"悲伤,让我和你一起去吧。"哦,爱,我太难过了,我需要一个人呆着!"幸福也经过了爱情。但是她太高兴了,甚至没有听到爱在呼唤她!突然,传来一个声音,"来吧,爱,我带你去。"是一位长者,爱离开时如此幸福和欣喜,以至于她甚至忘了问长者他的名字,当他们到达陆地时,长者走了自己的路。爱意识到他欠老人多少,于是问知识另一位老人:"谁帮助了我?"是时候了。知识消失了。时间?爱情问道。"但是时间为什么帮助我呢,"知识深情地微笑着回答说:"因为只有时间才能理解爱情有多伟大。"翻译中文是爱的故事很久以前,快乐,悲伤,知识还有爱情,都住在一个小岛山,有一天,他们被告知,小岛快要沉没了,于是所有的情感都修理他们各自的小船,然后离开了。爱想坚持到最后一刻,当小岛几乎要完全沉没时,爱决定寻求帮助,财富刚好经过爱的身边,他乘坐在一艘豪华轮船上,爱说道:"财富,你能带我一起走吗?"财富回答:"不,我不能,我船上的金银财宝太多了,没有空余的地方给你。"虚荣也驾着漂亮的船经过,爱决定去恳求她,"虚荣,请帮帮我!""我不能帮你,你浑身都湿透了,会把我的船损坏的。"虚荣答道。爱又向附近的悲伤求助,"悲伤,让我和你一起走吧!""噢~爱,我真的很伤心,我需要一个人独处。"快乐也在爱的一边路过,但是,她太开心了,甚至都没有听见爱对她呼唤。突然,有一个声音传来,"爱,过来吧,我带你一起走。"是年老的长者,爱感到异常的幸运,他沉浸在巨大的喜悦中,甚至连老人的名字都忘了问,当他们到达陆地,老者独自走远了,爱意识到自己收到他恩泽实在太多了,便去问另一个长者知识,"是谁帮助了我啊?"知识答道:"是时间。""时间?"爱问。"可是,为什么时间会帮助我呢?"知识笑了,他意味深长的答道:"因为,爱的伟大只有时间才能理解英语是不列颠岛几百年的产物。入侵者住在欧洲北部海岸。第一次入侵是大约1500年前一个叫盎格鲁人的民族。盎格鲁人是一个德国部落ossed the English Channel.Later two more groups crossed to Britain. They were the Saxons and the Jutes.Through the years, the Saxons, Angles and Jutes mixed their different languages. Tehe result is what is called Anglo-Saxon or Old English.The next great invasion of Britain came from the far north beginning about one thousand one hundred years ago. Fierce people called Vikings raided the coast areas of Britain.Many english words used today come from these ancient Vikings.Words like “Sky,” “leg” “skull” “egg” “crawl” “lift”and “take” are from the old languages of the far northern countries.The next invasion of Britain took place more than nine hundred years ago, in ten sixty-six .History experts call this invasion the Norman Conpuest. William the Comqueror led it. The Normans were a French-speaking people from Normandy in the north of france. They became the new rulers of Britain. These new rulers spoke only French for several hundred years. It was the most important language in the world at that time. Ti was the language of ecated people . But the common people of Britain still spoke Old English.Old English took many words from the Norman Frech. Some of these include “damage” “prison”and “marrige”.The french language used by the Norman rulers greatly changed the way English was spoken by eight hundred years ago. Enlish became what language experts call Middle English Middle English.Middle English sounds like modern English. But it is very diffcult to understand now .The history of the English language continues as Middle English becomes Modern English, which is spoken today. 翻译成中文是 英语是不列颠数百年历史的产物。入侵不列颠的人原本居住在欧洲北海岸。最初的侵略者是盎格鲁人。他们在约1500年前入侵不列颠。盎格鲁人是一个穿越了英吉利海峡的部族。后来,又有两个部族跨海而来。这两个部族是撒克逊和朱特人。这些年来。撒克逊人、盎格鲁人、朱特人通过日常交流,将这几种不同的语言混合了起来。混合的产物就是被称作盎格鲁-撒克逊,或者古英语的语言。下一次对于不列颠的大型入侵是在约1100年前,来自遥远的北部。凶残的维京人袭击了不列颠的沿海地域。许多现代英语的词汇都是来自古维京语。“Sky,” “leg” “skull” “egg” “crawl” “lift”以及“take”等词汇来自北欧的其他国家。再下一次对不列颠的侵略,发生在约900年前,在16至17世纪。这次侵略被历史学家命名为the Norman Conquest(诺曼征服)。威廉领导了这次侵略。诺曼人从法国北部的诺曼底来到不列颠,他们是一个讲法语的民族。他们成为了不列颠的新领袖。这些新的领导者们,在过去的几百年里都只讲法语——在那时,这是全世界最重要的一门语言,是被受教育者广泛运用的语言。但,在不列颠的平民百姓们仍然在使用古英语。 于是古英语里融合进了法语里的许多词汇,比如“damage” “prison”和 “marrige”。于是,诺曼统治者们所运用的语言——法语,在800年前极大地改变了英语。英语成为了语言专家们所谓的 Middle English(中古英语)。这语言听起来很像现代英语,但如今已很难理解了。英语的历史持续到Middle English(中古英语)变成现代英语的今天。如今英语在世界范围内被广泛使用。




The Importance of Keeping Optimistic Honourable judges, ladies and gentlemen, Good afternoon! Today I would like to talk about the importance of keeping optimistic. When we encounter difficulties in life, we notice that some of us choose to bury their heads in the sand. Unfortunately, however, this attitude will do you no good, because if you will have no courage even to face them, how can you conquer them? Thus, be optimistic, ladies and gentlemen, as it can give you confidence and help you see yourself through the hard times, just as Winston Churchill once said, “An optimist sees an opportunity in every calamity; a pessimist sees a calamity in every opportunity.” Ladies and Gentlemen, keeping optimistic, you will be able to realize, in spite of some hardship, there’s always hope waiting for you, which will lead you to the ultimate success. Historically as well as currently, there are too many optimists of this kind to enumerate. You see, Thomas Edison is optimistic; if not, the light of hope in his heart could not illuminate the whole world. Alfred Nobel is optimistic; if not, the explosives and the prestigious Nobel Prize would not have come into being. And Lance Armstrong is also optimistic; if not, the devil of cancer would have devoured his life and the world would not see a 5-time winner of the Tour De France. A rose may be beautiful, or maybe not; that depends on your attitude only, and so does success, so does life. Hindrances and difficulties do exist, but if you are optimistic, then they are only episodes on your long way to the throne of success; they are more bridges than obstacles! Now I prefer to end my speech with the great British poet Shelley’s lines: “If winter comes, can spring be far behind?” Thank you!


呵呵 要我看来啊 在网上求人帮自己写作文的都是懒人。。但是我还是帮你了,不过先声明 我字书必然不够。你也别强求,我给你带头了一部分,剩下的 应该自己试试了吧?废话不多说,先读读,看你中意不中意?PS:(先读中文可能会好些)I LOVE SINGINGWhenever people talk about songs, particularly "english song", I"ll automatically extend my ears and join in. Everyone learns English at school, but not everyone loves singing. In fact, there"s a significant connection between learning English and singing English songs. By listening to English songs, you may clearly understand "what a beautiful language "English" is!". That"s right, English is a romantic and beautiful language, if you want to become good at it, you have to "appreciate" it first! Languages have many ways to express themselves to people, we may speak them, write them and sing them. The lyrics composed by people are also unique and different from the everyday English we learn at school. It is another understanding and feeling of the meaning of English. They"re sending us messages through music to make us enjoy it, and the tune, style are different from the pop songs we sing at school. it"s a new try and feeling! English songs are like poems, they smartly arrange themselves like music notes. They"re easy to understand and learn, through English songs, we can learn with no boredom and difficulties; we can read them delightfully with music. This is the big point that I enjoy learning English.English songs doesn"t give you the feeling of hardness, it gives a feeling of simpleness and a relief. You"ll accept it with no pressures and enjoy it.I LOVE ENGLISH SONGS 我爱歌唱每当人们谈起关于歌曲,尤其是英文歌曲的时候,我会不由自主地伸长我的耳朵仔细聆听并且积极参与。在学校里每个人都学英语,可是不一定每个人喜爱唱英文歌。其实,在学英语和唱英文歌曲之间有着不可忽视的关系。通过听英文歌曲,你可以清晰地感触到‘英文真是一个美丽的语言!’,没错,英语是一个浪漫且美妙的语言。如果你想英文突飞猛进,首先你就要‘欣赏’她!语言有很多种向人们表达自己的方式,她可以说出来,写出来也可以唱出来!在歌曲里面的歌词也非同与日常我们学习的东西一样。那是另外一种对英语的理解与感受。他们正通过歌词在向我们传达一种信息,一种能让我们舒服的音训。更重要的是,英文歌曲的音调与风格更和我们平日在学校里面听的流行歌曲不同,我们为何不试着尝试一下呢?英文歌曲也可以被比喻成一首经典的诗词,他们如同诗一样巧妙地自然地排列起来,就像音符一样!他们简单易懂,学起来也轻松。通过英文歌,我们学起来可以排去平日的枯燥无味与困难;我们可以把英语‘读’成愉快的歌,这就是我享受唱英文歌的关键!英文歌曲不会让你感到学习时候的困难,她会让你感受到那是简单的放松的。你会无条件的接受她,没有压力地。。。我爱英文歌曲。 1、Spring is not only good for the plants and animals but also for the people.2、The folk mainly has two views: One kind said, ancient time, some one kind is called "year", whenever in the December 30, then flees the village door to door, looks for food the person meat, cruelly harms the life.3、Afterwards it arrived a village, faces in a household person main house gate as soon as to look inside, only sees brilliantly illuminated, punctures it to be dizzy, had to clamp the tail to slide. There are four seasons in a year. But I like spring best. Because the weather is not very hot or cold.  Spring is a wonderful season. It"s getting warmer and warmer. Flowers are coming out. Trees begin to turn green. Birds begin to sing. It"s often windy. People like to fly kites in the spring. In spring, animals are playing in their "playground". So they are very happy.  Spring is not only good for the plants and animals but also for the people. Boys and girls fly kites. People change their winter clothes into brighter ones. Spring is a very good time for us to study, too. We should make good use of it.  I Like Spring  Spring Festival origin  In the modern folk custom celebrates the Spring Festival to be called the new year"s celebration. Actually, the year and the Spring Festival origin is very not same. Actually then "year" is how does come The folk mainly has two views: One kind said, ancient time, some one kind is called "year", whenever in the December 30, then flees the village door to door, looks for food the person meat, cruelly harms the life. Some in December 30 evenings, "year" arrived a village, just happens to meet two shepherd boys in the competition cow whip. "year" suddenly heard in the midair has resounded pa pa the whip sound, frightens flees at the mere distant sight of. It flees to another village, also directly looked an entrance to expose to the sun scarlet upper and lower garments, it did not know why it, did frighten hurries to turn around escapes. Afterwards it arrived a village, faces in a household person main house gate as soon as to look inside, only sees brilliantly illuminated, punctures it to be dizzy, had to clamp the tail to slide. The people from this traced "year" to have fear the sound, feared red, feared the light weakness, then thought many resisted its method, thereupon graally evolved the custom which today celebrates the new year. Another view is, our country ancient times calligraphy book put "year" character the standing grain department, showed the good crop weather, the grain bumper harvest. Because the valley standing grain generally all is a year one is ripe. "year" is then expanded for the year old name. Our country ancient times folk although already has the new year"s celebration the custom, but at that time certainly is not called the Spring Festival. Because at that time said the Spring Festival, refers is in 24 solar terms "spring beginning". The Southern and Northern Dynasties make a general reference the Spring Festival for the entire spring. It is said, new year officially chooses a name the lunar calendar as the Spring Festival, after is the 1911 Revolution matter. Because at that time must change to the solar calendar, in order to differentiate the agriculture, positive two, therefore has first day to change name lunar calendar in first lunar month

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