乐山市开心王国儿童主题乐园在哪 ,金沙城冒险王国主题乐园

文章 3年前 (2021) admin


广州作为华南中心城市和现代化大都市,入境旅游人口全国排名第一,但却一直缺乏一个现代化的、与国际消费潮流接轨的游乐园。「长隆集团之所以斥巨资建造这个具有世界水平的游乐园,就是为了满足市场和全社会对于高品质游乐的需求,」长隆集团总裁苏志刚说。 长隆欢乐世界地处广州番禺迎宾路,首期占地面积1000多亩,游乐设施近70项。欢乐世界引进了瑞士荷兰德国意大利美国等全球领先的游乐设备公司的设备,其中包括:十环过山车、摩托过山车、U型摩天滑板和超级水车大战等。 长隆欢乐世界分为儿童游乐项目为主的适合全家游玩的哈比王国、以大型惊险刺激设备为主的尖叫地带、以中古欧洲风格为主的旋风岛、以水为主题的欢乐水世界、以表演为主的中心演艺广场、以休闲为主的白虎大街六大主题园区。同时,为满足小朋友全天候游乐的需求,还建立了大规模的室内恒温儿童游乐城开心儿童乐园。 据长隆集团有关负责人介绍,这是目前国内设备最先进、科技含量最高、游乐设备最多的超级游乐园。 长隆欢乐世界365天开放,游园时间为10:00-19:00,黄金周与暑假将延长关园时间。 长隆欢迎世界介绍: 长隆欢乐世界是长隆集团世界级旅游王国中一颗新的明珠,位于中国首批5A级旅游景区长隆旅游度假区的中心位置,是集乘骑游乐、特技剧场、巡游表演、生态休闲、特色餐饮、主题商店、综合服务于一体,具国际先进技术和管理水平的超大型世界顶尖主题游乐园。 独有八项亚洲及世界之最 长隆欢乐世界由国际著名的主题乐园设计机构主持总体规划,游乐设备均从欧洲原装进口,其设计与技术保持国际领先水准。并创造了八项亚洲及世界之最: 1、垂直过山车被誉为“全球最顶尖过山车之王”,是长隆欢乐世界2008年春节最新引进的王牌项目,由世界上最知名的过山车制造商Bolliger&Mabillard;公司研发制造,是全球最顶尖的过山车和游乐设施。 2、十环过山车荣获吉尼斯世界纪录,全世界第二台(仅在英国有一台)、亚洲首次引进,由全球著名游乐设备提供商Intamin公司设计制造,创造了游乐设备环数最多的吉尼斯世界记录。 3、摩托过山车是东半球首台,其0到80公里弹射式加速仅需2.8秒,可与F1赛车速度相媲美,并获得世界游乐行业协会年度设计金奖。 4、U型滑板是世界最大、亚洲第一台,30多米高的巨型滑板,急速下滑与急速旋转双重体验,是园内最刺激的游乐设备之一。 5、超级大摆锤是世界最新最眩的大型机动游乐设备,由德国HUSS公司原厂进口, 号称“全球最大摆锤” 最高时速110公里/小时,最大摆幅240度,带您飞上42米高空, 天旋地转之间,令人目炫神迷,惊心动魄。 6、世界最大水陆空特效剧场——国际特技剧场,现正上演《惊爆危机岛》,由全球顶尖特技导演全程监制,国际著名特技大师倾情上演,结合爆破、枪战、烟火、声光、机动设备、滑水、高空特技等多种尖端特效,出奇不意,精彩绝伦,好莱坞动作大片真实再现。 7、亚洲最大的四维影院,现正上演《恐龙天劫》,由世界最先进立体数码影视技术全新创作,融合9大座椅效果与多项世界顶尖特效,国际一流四维影视班底精心雕琢,长隆独家打造,精彩全球独享。 8、号称“世界水上游乐之王”、老少皆宜的超级水战也是在亚洲首次引进。 八大主题园区欢乐大不同 全园分为儿童游乐项目为主的以及适合合家游玩的哈比王国、以大型惊险刺激设备为主的尖叫地带、以中古欧洲风格为主的旋风岛、以过山车王为主题的彩虹湾、以水为主题的欢乐水世界、以表演为主的中心演艺广场、以观赏类项目为主的历险天地、以及以购物休闲为主的白虎大街等八大主题园区。 哈比王国是儿童以及全家的游乐天堂,区域内30多项游乐设备不但都适合儿童游玩,也是合家游玩的理想场所,包括飞虎队、蹦跳车、桑巴气球、空中警察等儿童特别喜欢的设备。为满足小朋友全天候游乐的需求,长隆欢乐世界专门建造了一个目前全国最大的室内恒温儿童游乐城—开心儿童乐园,开心儿童乐园内适合儿童游玩的设备超过近20项,其中包括森林吉普车、泡泡大战、小型海盗船、勇敢球火队等。 动感地带、彩虹湾、历险天地等主题区,汇聚了当今世界最大型、最刺激,科技含量最高的垂直过山车、十环过山车、摩托过山车、U型滑板、超级大摆锤、超级水战六大顶尖游乐设施和四维影院、国际特级剧场两大世界顶尖的精彩表演。 欢乐水世界是以水为主题的园区,区域内除了超级设备水车大战外,还有急流勇进、丛林飘流、水上碰碰船等游乐设施,是夏秋两季游客的最爱。 在中央演艺广场区,拥有三个集中的表演场:有欢乐剧场的大型魔术、杂技表演和异国风情歌舞,有乐斗竞技场的北美伐木竞技表演,还有荟粹世界6大巡游特色的精灵盛宴狂欢彩车大巡游。同时在白虎大街和园区主要休闲地带,有菲律宾乐队、吉祥人偶、小丑高跷、土著部落、非洲战鼓等多项异国风情的互动逗趣、欢乐歌舞。 完善配套为您旅程添欢乐 长隆欢乐世界园区内餐饮购物等配套服务一应俱全。园内设有古堡餐厅、椰林餐厅、夏威夷餐厅、哈比餐厅4家中西风味的大型主题特色餐厅,还有充满东南亚浓郁风味的彩虹湾食街、哈比美食街、以及10多家新鲜熟食亭、蛋糕屋,均提供新鲜、卫生的美味食品和快捷便利的服务。在园区各主题区分布有5家主题商店,出售各式主题特色纪念品、精美礼品、时尚人气商品、游乐玩具以及各种便利品,让您尽兴游玩,把欢乐和美好记忆带回家。园区在中国唯一引进美国柯达公司最先进的数码同步高速拍摄设备,特设了7家欢乐影像站,让您在垂直过山车、十环过山车、摩托过山车、U型滑板、超级大摆锤、急流勇进等项目中的欢笑、刺激,由瞬间变成永恒。 长隆欢乐世界游乐及演艺水平均为国际领先,购物、餐饮等配套完善,为广大游客提供了多彩的世界级游玩体验,是真正适合每一个人游玩的欢乐天堂! 补充: 译文:Guangzhou as south China urban centres and the modern metropolis, tourism ranked first in the population, but always lack of a modern and international consumer trend of amusement park. Connect "The group to build denounce is gigantic endowment zhanglongjiudian the world level, the amusement park is in order to meet market and the whole society for high quality demand of amusement," said the CEO SuZhiGang chime-long group. The world is located in guangzhou panyu chime-long joy YingBinLu, covers an area of 1000 mu, nearly 70 rides. Joy to the world introced Switzerland and Holland, Germany, Italy, the United States and other leading global amusement equipment company equipment, including: ten roller coaster, motorcycle roller coaster, ring u-shaped slide and the super series wars, etc. Joy to the world into children"s amusement zhanglongjiudian the whole project for the first visit to large nerve-jangling kingdom, the equipment in medieval Europe, screaming zone of cyclone island, style of water themed water world, with the joy of performing arts center based on the square, leisure tiger six theme park street. At the same time, to meet the needs of children, all-weather amusement established large-scale indoor temperature YouLeCheng happy children"s paradise. According to chime-long group concerns chief introction, this is the present domestic most advanced equipments and technology content high, amusement equipment most super amusement park. Joy to the world zhanglongjiudian 365 days, time for 10-19 garden, with summer holiday will extend the time off. Welcome to the world: zhanglongjiudian chime-long happy world is a world class kingdom chime-long group, located in China"s pearl of new 5A scenic resorts zhanglongjiudian the center position, is a collection of rides, riding stunts theatre, cruise performances, ecological leisure, catering, and theme in shops, integrated services, international advanced technology and management level of super world top theme park. Only eight of Asia and the world most famous international zhanglongjiudian the joy of the theme park design organization to take charge of overall planning, amusement equipment imported from Europe, its design and technology leading international standards. And created eight Asian and world most: 1, the vertical roller coaster is known as "the king of all the top roller coaster" is joy to the world in 2008 spring zhanglongjiudian the newest introced by the world, ace program, one of the most famous roller coaster Bolliger&Mabillard; manufacturers, is a leading global company research and manufacture of the top roller coaster, and recreation facilities. 2, 10 rings roller coaster won the guinness book of world records, the world second only in Britain (a), first introced in Asia, the world famous amusement equipment provider Intamin company design manufacture, created the largest amusement equipment ring guinness world records. 3, the roller coaster is old motorcycle, its 0 to 80 km speed ejection type, and only 28 seconds F1 match speed, and obtain the world amusement instry association annual design award. 4, u-shaped slide is the world"s largest, Asia"s first, more than 30 meters high, slowed sharply with giant skateboard double experience, is rapidly spinning garden is one of the most exciting amusement equipment. 5 and super large penlum is the latest world most large motor glare, amusement equipment imported from Germany, the company boasts HUSS factory "global biggest penlum" top speed of 110 kilometers per hour, the biggest swing 240 degrees and show you fly 42 meters high, everything is between the eye dazzle god, thrilling. 6, the world"s largest international air effects theatre, presently is stunt theatre of the crisis, the global top island full procer, director of special effects on international famous master, combined with the blasting, houst gunplay, fireworks, light, mobile equipment, water skiing, upper air stunt etc. Various advanced effects, surprisingly, excellent, expecting big Hollywood action. 7, Asia"s largest four-dimensional cinema, now is the dinosaur days ", by the world"s most advanced technology of digital television brand new stereo, fusion of 9 big seat with many of the world"s top special effect, the international first-class four-dimensional film crew elaborate carve, the sole, wonderful zhanglongjiudian global alone. Eight, the so-called "the aquatic amusement" king of all ages, the super water-fight in Asia is introced for the first time. Eight different theme park joy into children"s amusement project dominated mainly suitable for family and the kingdoms, to his big adventure of equipment in medieval Europe, screaming zone of style, king of roller coaster whirlwind island for the theme of the rainbow bay, water themed water world, with the joy of performing arts center based on such projects, ornamental square of heaven and earth, and adventure shopping recreation of tiger eight theme park street. His children and family is the kingdom of heaven, amusement area more than 30 amusement equipment for children, not only is the ideal place for a visit, including tigers, jumping, samba balloon, the policeman, particularly fond of children. To meet the needs of children, all-weather amusement zhanglongjiudian the specially built a joy at the nation"s largest indoor temperature YouLeCheng children -- happy children"s park, happy children"s paradise for children"s equipment in more than 20 items, including forest jeep, bubbles, small pirate, brave ball of fire team, etc. The m-zone, rainbow bay, adventure and etc. Topic area, the world most large, the content of science and technology, the vertical roller coaster, ten top roller coaster, motorcycle roller coaster, ring u-shaped slide, super large penlum, super water-fight six leading recreation facilities and four-dimensional cinemas, two world top international super theatre performances. Joy is the water world theme park water area, except for the super equipment series JiLiuYongJin outside, still have a war, the jungle, water chess-and-card wander etc recreation facilities, autumn is one of the favorite. In the central square area, has three acting on BiaoYanChang: have the joy of the theatre, acrobatics and large magic dances, exotic music arena fights in North America, and logging performance taping of the six major cruise essence characteristic of carnival cruise floats big feast elves. While in the street and the main leisure tiger, have Philippine band, auspicious mmies, clown stilts, native tribes, African drum etc many exotic amorous feelings of the characters, joy and interaction. Complete set for your journey joy to the world park zhanglongjiudian happy shopping catering service, etc. It has the castle restaurant, homing restaurant, Hawaii restaurant, Chinese restaurant, 4 xabi flavor characteristics of large theme restaurants, and full of southeast Asia full-bodied flavor of the rainbow bay food street, hubby snacks, and more than 10 fresh food pavilion, cake, provide fresh and delicious food hygiene and swift and convenient services. In the park every topic area distribution has five topics, and sell all kinds of subject characteristics shop souvenirs, exquisite gift, fashionable popularity and all kinds of merchandise and amusement toys, let you enjoy conveniences, the joy and memory to take home. Park in China only the most advanced imported American kodak digital synchronous speed filming equipment, AD hoc seven home, let your joy images in the vertical roller coaster, ten roller coaster, motorcycle roller coaster, ring u-shaped slide, super large penlum, JiLiuYongJin projects, laughter, by instant becomes eternal. Joy to the world amusement and zhanglongjiudian acting for the international leading level of shopping, dining, perfect supporting etc, provide a colorful world, is really suitable for gameplay experience the joy of each visit heaven!




广州作为华南中心城市和现代化大都市,入境旅游人口全国排名第一,但却一直缺乏一个现代化的、与国际消费潮流接轨的游乐园。「长隆集团之所以斥巨资建造这个具有世界水平的游乐园,就是为了满足市场和全社会对于高品质游乐的需求,」长隆集团总裁苏志刚说。 长隆欢乐世界地处广州番禺迎宾路,首期占地面积1000多亩,游乐设施近70项。欢乐世界引进了瑞士、荷兰、德国、意大利、美国等全球领先的游乐设备公司的设备,其中包括:十环过山车、摩托过山车、U型摩天滑板和超级水车大战等。 长隆欢乐世界分为儿童游乐项目为主的适合全家游玩的哈比王国、以大型惊险刺激设备为主的尖叫地带、以中古欧洲风格为主的旋风岛、以水为主题的欢乐水世界、以表演为主的中心演艺广场、以休闲为主的白虎大街六大主题园区。同时,为满足小朋友全天候游乐的需求,还建立了大规模的室内恒温儿童游乐城开心儿童乐园。 据长隆集团有关负责人介绍,这是目前国内设备最先进、科技含量最高、游乐设备最多的超级游乐园。 长隆欢乐世界365天开放,游园时间为10:00-19:00,黄金周与暑假将延长关园时间。 长隆欢迎世界介绍: 长隆欢乐世界是长隆集团世界级旅游王国中一颗新的明珠,位于中国首批5A级旅游景区长隆旅游度假区的中心位置,是集乘骑游乐、特技剧场、巡游表演、生态休闲、特色餐饮、主题商店、综合服务于一体,具国际先进技术和管理水平的超大型世界顶尖主题游乐园。 独有八项亚洲及世界之最 长隆欢乐世界由国际著名的主题乐园设计机构主持总体规划,游乐设备均从欧洲原装进口,其设计与技术保持国际领先水准。并创造了八项亚洲及世界之最: 1、垂直过山车被誉为“全球最顶尖过山车之王”,是长隆欢乐世界2008年春节最新引进的王牌项目,由世界上最知名的过山车制造商Bolliger&Mabillard;公司研发制造,是全球最顶尖的过山车和游乐设施。 2、十环过山车荣获吉尼斯世界纪录,全世界第二台(仅在英国有一台)、亚洲首次引进,由全球著名游乐设备提供商Intamin公司设计制造,创造了游乐设备环数最多的吉尼斯世界记录。 3、摩托过山车是东半球首台,其0到80公里弹射式加速仅需2.8秒,可与F1赛车速度相媲美,并获得世界游乐行业协会年度设计金奖。 4、U型滑板是世界最大、亚洲第一台,30多米高的巨型滑板,急速下滑与急速旋转双重体验,是园内最刺激的游乐设备之一。 5、超级大摆锤是世界最新最眩的大型机动游乐设备,由德国HUSS公司原厂进口, 号称“全球最大摆锤” 最高时速110公里/小时,最大摆幅240度,带您飞上42米高空, 天旋地转之间,令人目炫神迷,惊心动魄。 6、世界最大水陆空特效剧场——国际特技剧场,现正上演《惊爆危机岛》,由全球顶尖特技导演全程监制,国际著名特技大师倾情上演,结合爆破、枪战、烟火、声光、机动设备、滑水、高空特技等多种尖端特效,出奇不意,精彩绝伦,好莱坞动作大片真实再现。 7、亚洲最大的四维影院,现正上演《恐龙天劫》,由世界最先进立体数码影视技术全新创作,融合9大座椅效果与多项世界顶尖特效,国际一流四维影视班底精心雕琢,长隆独家打造,精彩全球独享。 8、号称“世界水上游乐之王”、老少皆宜的超级水战也是在亚洲首次引进。 八大主题园区欢乐大不同 全园分为儿童游乐项目为主的以及适合合家游玩的哈比王国、以大型惊险刺激设备为主的尖叫地带、以中古欧洲风格为主的旋风岛、以过山车王为主题的彩虹湾、以水为主题的欢乐水世界、以表演为主的中心演艺广场、以观赏类项目为主的历险天地、以及以购物休闲为主的白虎大街等八大主题园区。 哈比王国是儿童以及全家的游乐天堂,区域内30多项游乐设备不但都适合儿童游玩,也是合家游玩的理想场所,包括飞虎队、蹦跳车、桑巴气球、空中警察等儿童特别喜欢的设备。为满足小朋友全天候游乐的需求,长隆欢乐世界专门建造了一个目前全国最大的室内恒温儿童游乐城—开心儿童乐园,开心儿童乐园内适合儿童游玩的设备超过近20项,其中包括森林吉普车、泡泡大战、小型海盗船、勇敢球火队等。 动感地带、彩虹湾、历险天地等主题区,汇聚了当今世界最大型、最刺激,科技含量最高的垂直过山车、十环过山车、摩托过山车、U型滑板、超级大摆锤、超级水战六大顶尖游乐设施和四维影院、国际特级剧场两大世界顶尖的精彩表演。 欢乐水世界是以水为主题的园区,区域内除了超级设备水车大战外,还有急流勇进、丛林飘流、水上碰碰船等游乐设施,是夏秋两季游客的最爱。 在中央演艺广场区,拥有三个集中的表演场:有欢乐剧场的大型魔术、杂技表演和异国风情歌舞,有乐斗竞技场的北美伐木竞技表演,还有荟粹世界6大巡游特色的精灵盛宴狂欢彩车大巡游。同时在白虎大街和园区主要休闲地带,有菲律宾乐队、吉祥人偶、小丑高跷、土著部落、非洲战鼓等多项异国风情的互动逗趣、欢乐歌舞。 完善配套为您旅程添欢乐 长隆欢乐世界园区内餐饮购物等配套服务一应俱全。园内设有古堡餐厅、椰林餐厅、夏威夷餐厅、哈比餐厅4家中西风味的大型主题特色餐厅,还有充满东南亚浓郁风味的彩虹湾食街、哈比美食街、以及10多家新鲜熟食亭、蛋糕屋,均提供新鲜、卫生的美味食品和快捷便利的服务。在园区各主题区分布有5家主题商店,出售各式主题特色纪念品、精美礼品、时尚人气商品、游乐玩具以及各种便利品,让您尽兴游玩,把欢乐和美好记忆带回家。园区在中国唯一引进美国柯达公司最先进的数码同步高速拍摄设备,特设了7家欢乐影像站,让您在垂直过山车、十环过山车、摩托过山车、U型滑板、超级大摆锤、急流勇进等项目中的欢笑、刺激,由瞬间变成永恒。 长隆欢乐世界游乐及演艺水平均为国际领先,购物、餐饮等配套完善,为广大游客提供了多彩的世界级游玩体验,是真正适合每一个人游玩的欢乐天堂! 补充: 译文:Guangzhou as south China urban centres and the modern metropolis, tourism ranked first in the population, but always lack of a modern and international consumer trend of amusement park. Connect "The group to build denounce is gigantic endowment zhanglongjiudian the world level, the amusement park is in order to meet market and the whole society for high quality demand of amusement," said the CEO SuZhiGang chime-long group. The world is located in guangzhou panyu chime-long joy YingBinLu, covers an area of 1000 mu, nearly 70 rides. Joy to the world introced Switzerland and Holland, Germany, Italy, the United States and other leading global amusement equipment company equipment, including: ten roller coaster, motorcycle roller coaster, ring u-shaped slide and the super series wars, etc. Joy to the world into children"s amusement zhanglongjiudian the whole project for the first visit to large nerve-jangling kingdom, the equipment in medieval Europe, screaming zone of cyclone island, style of water themed water world, with the joy of performing arts center based on the square, leisure tiger six theme park street. At the same time, to meet the needs of children, all-weather amusement established large-scale indoor temperature YouLeCheng happy children"s paradise. According to chime-long group concerns chief introction, this is the present domestic most advanced equipments and technology content high, amusement equipment most super amusement park. Joy to the world zhanglongjiudian 365 days, time for 10-19 garden, with summer holiday will extend the time off. Welcome to the world: zhanglongjiudian chime-long happy world is a world class kingdom chime-long group, located in China"s pearl of new 5A scenic resorts zhanglongjiudian the center position, is a collection of rides, riding stunts theatre, cruise performances, ecological leisure, catering, and theme in shops, integrated services, international advanced technology and management level of super world top theme park. Only eight of Asia and the world most famous international zhanglongjiudian the joy of the theme park design organization to take charge of overall planning, amusement equipment imported from Europe, its design and technology leading international standards. And created eight Asian and world most: 1, the vertical roller coaster is known as "the king of all the top roller coaster" is joy to the world in 2008 spring zhanglongjiudian the newest introced by the world, ace program, one of the most famous roller coaster Bolliger&Mabillard; manufacturers, is a leading global company research and manufacture of the top roller coaster, and recreation facilities. 2, 10 rings roller coaster won the guinness book of world records, the world second only in Britain (a), first introced in Asia, the world famous amusement equipment provider Intamin company design manufacture, created the largest amusement equipment ring guinness world records. 3, the roller coaster is old motorcycle, its 0 to 80 km speed ejection type, and only 28 seconds F1 match speed, and obtain the world amusement instry association annual design award. 4, u-shaped slide is the world"s largest, Asia"s first, more than 30 meters high, slowed sharply with giant skateboard double experience, is rapidly spinning garden is one of the most exciting amusement equipment. 5 and super large penlum is the latest world most large motor glare, amusement equipment imported from Germany, the company boasts HUSS factory "global biggest penlum" top speed of 110 kilometers per hour, the biggest swing 240 degrees and show you fly 42 meters high, everything is between the eye dazzle god, thrilling. 6, the world"s largest international air effects theatre, presently is stunt theatre of the crisis, the global top island full procer, director of special effects on international famous master, combined with the blasting, houst gunplay, fireworks, light, mobile equipment, water skiing, upper air stunt etc. Various advanced effects, surprisingly, excellent, expecting big Hollywood action. 7, Asia"s largest four-dimensional cinema, now is the dinosaur days ", by the world"s most advanced technology of digital television brand new stereo, fusion of 9 big seat with many of the world"s top special effect, the international first-class four-dimensional film crew elaborate carve, the sole, wonderful zhanglongjiudian global alone. Eight, the so-called "the aquatic amusement" king of all ages, the super water-fight in Asia is introced for the first time. Eight different theme park joy into children"s amusement project dominated mainly suitable for family and the kingdoms, to his big adventure of equipment in medieval Europe, screaming zone of style, king of roller coaster whirlwind island for the theme of the rainbow bay, water themed water world, with the joy of performing arts center based on such projects, ornamental square of heaven and earth, and adventure shopping recreation of tiger eight theme park street. His children and family is the kingdom of heaven, amusement area more than 30 amusement equipment for children, not only is the ideal place for a visit, including tigers, jumping, samba balloon, the policeman, particularly fond of children. To meet the needs of children, all-weather amusement zhanglongjiudian the specially built a joy at the nation"s largest indoor temperature YouLeCheng children -- happy children"s park, happy children"s paradise for children"s equipment in more than 20 items, including forest jeep, bubbles, small pirate, brave ball of fire team, etc. The m-zone, rainbow bay, adventure and etc. Topic area, the world most large, the content of science and technology, the vertical roller coaster, ten top roller coaster, motorcycle roller coaster, ring u-shaped slide, super large penlum, super water-fight six leading recreation facilities and four-dimensional cinemas, two world top international super theatre performances. Joy is the water world theme park water area, except for the super equipment series JiLiuYongJin outside, still have a war, the jungle, water chess-and-card wander etc recreation facilities, autumn is one of the favorite. In the central square area, has three acting on BiaoYanChang: have the joy of the theatre, acrobatics and large magic dances, exotic music arena fights in North America, and logging performance taping of the six major cruise essence characteristic of carnival cruise floats big feast elves. While in the street and the main leisure tiger, have Philippine band, auspicious mmies, clown stilts, native tribes, African drum etc many exotic amorous feelings of the characters, joy and interaction. Complete set for your journey joy to the world park zhanglongjiudian happy shopping catering service, etc. It has the castle restaurant, homing restaurant, Hawaii restaurant, Chinese restaurant, 4 xabi flavor characteristics of large theme restaurants, and full of southeast Asia full-bodied flavor of the rainbow bay food street, hubby snacks, and more than 10 fresh food pavilion, cake, provide fresh and delicious food hygiene and swift and convenient services. In the park every topic area distribution has five topics, and sell all kinds of subject characteristics shop souvenirs, exquisite gift, fashionable popularity and all kinds of merchandise and amusement toys, let you enjoy conveniences, the joy and memory to take home. Park in China only the most advanced imported American kodak digital synchronous speed filming equipment, AD hoc seven home, let your joy images in the vertical roller coaster, ten roller coaster, motorcycle roller coaster, ring u-shaped slide, super large penlum, JiLiuYongJin projects, laughter, by instant becomes eternal. Joy to the world amusement and zhanglongjiudian acting for the international leading level of shopping, dining, perfect supporting etc, provide a colorful world, is really suitable for gameplay experience the joy of each visit heaven!


广州作为华南中心城市和现代化大都市,入境旅游人口全国排名第一,但却一直缺乏一个现代化的、与国际消费潮流接轨的游乐园。「长隆集团之所以斥巨资建造这个具有世界水平的游乐园,就是为了满足市场和全社会对于高品质游乐的需求,」长隆集团总裁苏志刚说。 长隆欢乐世界地处广州番禺迎宾路,首期占地面积1000多亩,游乐设施近70项。欢乐世界引进了瑞士、荷兰、德国、意大利、美国等全球领先的游乐设备公司的设备,其中包括:十环过山车、摩托过山车、U型摩天滑板和超级水车大战等。 长隆欢乐世界分为儿童游乐项目为主的适合全家游玩的哈比王国、以大型惊险刺激设备为主的尖叫地带、以中古欧洲风格为主的旋风岛、以水为主题的欢乐水世界、以表演为主的中心演艺广场、以休闲为主的白虎大街六大主题园区。同时,为满足小朋友全天候游乐的需求,还建立了大规模的室内恒温儿童游乐城开心儿童乐园。 据长隆集团有关负责人介绍,这是目前国内设备最先进、科技含量最高、游乐设备最多的超级游乐园。 长隆欢乐世界365天开放,游园时间为10:00-19:00,黄金周与暑假将延长关园时间。 长隆欢迎世界介绍: 长隆欢乐世界是长隆集团世界级旅游王国中一颗新的明珠,位于中国首批5A级旅游景区长隆旅游度假区的中心位置,是集乘骑游乐、特技剧场、巡游表演、生态休闲、特色餐饮、主题商店、综合服务于一体,具国际先进技术和管理水平的超大型世界顶尖主题游乐园。 独有八项亚洲及世界之最 长隆欢乐世界由国际著名的主题乐园设计机构主持总体规划,游乐设备均从欧洲原装进口,其设计与技术保持国际领先水准。并创造了八项亚洲及世界之最: 1、垂直过山车被誉为“全球最顶尖过山车之王”,是长隆欢乐世界2008年春节最新引进的王牌项目,由世界上最知名的过山车制造商Bolliger&Mabillard;公司研发制造,是全球最顶尖的过山车和游乐设施。 2、十环过山车荣获吉尼斯世界纪录,全世界第二台(仅在英国有一台)、亚洲首次引进,由全球著名游乐设备提供商Intamin公司设计制造,创造了游乐设备环数最多的吉尼斯世界记录。 3、摩托过山车是东半球首台,其0到80公里弹射式加速仅需2.8秒,可与F1赛车速度相媲美,并获得世界游乐行业协会年度设计金奖。 4、U型滑板是世界最大、亚洲第一台,30多米高的巨型滑板,急速下滑与急速旋转双重体验,是园内最刺激的游乐设备之一。 5、超级大摆锤是世界最新最眩的大型机动游乐设备,由德国HUSS公司原厂进口, 号称“全球最大摆锤” 最高时速110公里/小时,最大摆幅240度,带您飞上42米高空, 天旋地转之间,令人目炫神迷,惊心动魄。 6、世界最大水陆空特效剧场——国际特技剧场,现正上演《惊爆危机岛》,由全球顶尖特技导演全程监制,国际著名特技大师倾情上演,结合爆破、枪战、烟火、声光、机动设备、滑水、高空特技等多种尖端特效,出奇不意,精彩绝伦,好莱坞动作大片真实再现。 7、亚洲最大的四维影院,现正上演《恐龙天劫》,由世界最先进立体数码影视技术全新创作,融合9大座椅效果与多项世界顶尖特效,国际一流四维影视班底精心雕琢,长隆独家打造,精彩全球独享。 8、号称“世界水上游乐之王”、老少皆宜的超级水战也是在亚洲首次引进。 八大主题园区欢乐大不同 全园分为儿童游乐项目为主的以及适合合家游玩的哈比王国、以大型惊险刺激设备为主的尖叫地带、以中古欧洲风格为主的旋风岛、以过山车王为主题的彩虹湾、以水为主题的欢乐水世界、以表演为主的中心演艺广场、以观赏类项目为主的历险天地、以及以购物休闲为主的白虎大街等八大主题园区。 哈比王国是儿童以及全家的游乐天堂,区域内30多项游乐设备不但都适合儿童游玩,也是合家游玩的理想场所,包括飞虎队、蹦跳车、桑巴气球、空中警察等儿童特别喜欢的设备。为满足小朋友全天候游乐的需求,长隆欢乐世界专门建造了一个目前全国最大的室内恒温儿童游乐城—开心儿童乐园,开心儿童乐园内适合儿童游玩的设备超过近20项,其中包括森林吉普车、泡泡大战、小型海盗船、勇敢球火队等。 动感地带、彩虹湾、历险天地等主题区,汇聚了当今世界最大型、最刺激,科技含量最高的垂直过山车、十环过山车、摩托过山车、U型滑板、超级大摆锤、超级水战六大顶尖游乐设施和四维影院、国际特级剧场两大世界顶尖的精彩表演。 欢乐水世界是以水为主题的园区,区域内除了超级设备水车大战外,还有急流勇进、丛林飘流、水上碰碰船等游乐设施,是夏秋两季游客的最爱。 在中央演艺广场区,拥有三个集中的表演场:有欢乐剧场的大型魔术、杂技表演和异国风情歌舞,有乐斗竞技场的北美伐木竞技表演,还有荟粹世界6大巡游特色的精灵盛宴狂欢彩车大巡游。同时在白虎大街和园区主要休闲地带,有菲律宾乐队、吉祥人偶、小丑高跷、土著部落、非洲战鼓等多项异国风情的互动逗趣、欢乐歌舞。 完善配套为您旅程添欢乐 长隆欢乐世界园区内餐饮购物等配套服务一应俱全。园内设有古堡餐厅、椰林餐厅、夏威夷餐厅、哈比餐厅4家中西风味的大型主题特色餐厅,还有充满东南亚浓郁风味的彩虹湾食街、哈比美食街、以及10多家新鲜熟食亭、蛋糕屋,均提供新鲜、卫生的美味食品和快捷便利的服务。在园区各主题区分布有5家主题商店,出售各式主题特色纪念品、精美礼品、时尚人气商品、游乐玩具以及各种便利品,让您尽兴游玩,把欢乐和美好记忆带回家。园区在中国唯一引进美国柯达公司最先进的数码同步高速拍摄设备,特设了7家欢乐影像站,让您在垂直过山车、十环过山车、摩托过山车、U型滑板、超级大摆锤、急流勇进等项目中的欢笑、刺激,由瞬间变成永恒。 长隆欢乐世界游乐及演艺水平均为国际领先,购物、餐饮等配套完善,为广大游客提供了多彩的世界级游玩体验,是真正适合每一个人游玩的欢乐天堂! 补充: 译文:Guangzhou as south China urban centres and the modern metropolis, tourism ranked first in the population, but always lack of a modern and international consumer trend of amusement park. Connect "The group to build denounce is gigantic endowment zhanglongjiudian the world level, the amusement park is in order to meet market and the whole society for high quality demand of amusement," said the CEO SuZhiGang chime-long group. The world is located in guangzhou panyu chime-long joy YingBinLu, covers an area of 1000 mu, nearly 70 rides. Joy to the world introced Switzerland and Holland, Germany, Italy, the United States and other leading global amusement equipment company equipment, including: ten roller coaster, motorcycle roller coaster, ring u-shaped slide and the super series wars, etc. Joy to the world into children"s amusement zhanglongjiudian the whole project for the first visit to large nerve-jangling kingdom, the equipment in medieval Europe, screaming zone of cyclone island, style of water themed water world, with the joy of performing arts center based on the square, leisure tiger six theme park street. At the same time, to meet the needs of children, all-weather amusement established large-scale indoor temperature YouLeCheng happy children"s paradise. According to chime-long group concerns chief introction, this is the present domestic most advanced equipments and technology content high, amusement equipment most super amusement park. Joy to the world zhanglongjiudian 365 days, time for 10-19 garden, with summer holiday will extend the time off. Welcome to the world: zhanglongjiudian chime-long happy world is a world class kingdom chime-long group, located in China"s pearl of new 5A scenic resorts zhanglongjiudian the center position, is a collection of rides, riding stunts theatre, cruise performances, ecological leisure, catering, and theme in shops, integrated services, international advanced technology and management level of super world top theme park. Only eight of Asia and the world most famous international zhanglongjiudian the joy of the theme park design organization to take charge of overall planning, amusement equipment imported from Europe, its design and technology leading international standards. And created eight Asian and world most: 1, the vertical roller coaster is known as "the king of all the top roller coaster" is joy to the world in 2008 spring zhanglongjiudian the newest introced by the world, ace program, one of the most famous roller coaster Bolliger&Mabillard; manufacturers, is a leading global company research and manufacture of the top roller coaster, and recreation facilities. 2, 10 rings roller coaster won the guinness book of world records, the world second only in Britain (a), first introced in Asia, the world famous amusement equipment provider Intamin company design manufacture, created the largest amusement equipment ring guinness world records. 3, the roller coaster is old motorcycle, its 0 to 80 km speed ejection type, and only 28 seconds F1 match speed, and obtain the world amusement instry association annual design award. 4, u-shaped slide is the world"s largest, Asia"s first, more than 30 meters high, slowed sharply with giant skateboard double experience, is rapidly spinning garden is one of the most exciting amusement equipment. 5 and super large penlum is the latest world most large motor glare, amusement equipment imported from Germany, the company boasts HUSS factory "global biggest penlum" top speed of 110 kilometers per hour, the biggest swing 240 degrees and show you fly 42 meters high, everything is between the eye dazzle god, thrilling. 6, the world"s largest international air effects theatre, presently is stunt theatre of the crisis, the global top island full procer, director of special effects on international famous master, combined with the blasting, houst gunplay, fireworks, light, mobile equipment, water skiing, upper air stunt etc. Various advanced effects, surprisingly, excellent, expecting big Hollywood action. 7, Asia"s largest four-dimensional cinema, now is the dinosaur days ", by the world"s most advanced technology of digital television brand new stereo, fusion of 9 big seat with many of the world"s top special effect, the international first-class four-dimensional film crew elaborate carve, the sole, wonderful zhanglongjiudian global alone. Eight, the so-called "the aquatic amusement" king of all ages, the super water-fight in Asia is introced for the first time. Eight different theme park joy into children"s amusement project dominated mainly suitable for family and the kingdoms, to his big adventure of equipment in medieval Europe, screaming zone of style, king of roller coaster whirlwind island for the theme of the rainbow bay, water themed water world, with the joy of performing arts center based on such projects, ornamental square of heaven and earth, and adventure shopping recreation of tiger eight theme park street. His children and family is the kingdom of heaven, amusement area more than 30 amusement equipment for children, not only is the ideal place for a visit, including tigers, jumping, samba balloon, the policeman, particularly fond of children. To meet the needs of children, all-weather amusement zhanglongjiudian the specially built a joy at the nation"s largest indoor temperature YouLeCheng children -- happy children"s park, happy children"s paradise for children"s equipment in more than 20 items, including forest jeep, bubbles, small pirate, brave ball of fire team, etc. The m-zone, rainbow bay, adventure and etc. Topic area, the world most large, the content of science and technology, the vertical roller coaster, ten top roller coaster, motorcycle roller coaster, ring u-shaped slide, super large penlum, super water-fight six leading recreation facilities and four-dimensional cinemas, two world top international super theatre performances. Joy is the water world theme park water area, except for the super equipment series JiLiuYongJin outside, still have a war, the jungle, water chess-and-card wander etc recreation facilities, autumn is one of the favorite. In the central square area, has three acting on BiaoYanChang: have the joy of the theatre, acrobatics and large magic dances, exotic music arena fights in North America, and logging performance taping of the six major cruise essence characteristic of carnival cruise floats big feast elves. While in the street and the main leisure tiger, have Philippine band, auspicious mmies, clown stilts, native tribes, African drum etc many exotic amorous feelings of the characters, joy and interaction. Complete set for your journey joy to the world park zhanglongjiudian happy shopping catering service, etc. It has the castle restaurant, homing restaurant, Hawaii restaurant, Chinese restaurant, 4 xabi flavor characteristics of large theme restaurants, and full of southeast Asia full-bodied flavor of the rainbow bay food street, hubby snacks, and more than 10 fresh food pavilion, cake, provide fresh and delicious food hygiene and swift and convenient services. In the park every topic area distribution has five topics, and sell all kinds of subject characteristics shop souvenirs, exquisite gift, fashionable popularity and all kinds of merchandise and amusement toys, let you enjoy conveniences, the joy and memory to take home. Park in China only the most advanced imported American kodak digital synchronous speed filming equipment, AD hoc seven home, let your joy images in the vertical roller coaster, ten roller coaster, motorcycle roller coaster, ring u-shaped slide, super large penlum, JiLiuYongJin projects, laughter, by instant becomes eternal. Joy to the world amusement and zhanglongjiudian acting for the international leading level of shopping, dining, perfect supporting etc, provide a colorful world, is really suitable for gameplay experience the joy of each visit heaven!


广州作为华南中心城市和现代化大都市,入境旅游人口全国排名第一,但却一直缺乏一个现代化的、与国际消费潮流接轨的游乐园。「长隆集团之所以斥巨资建造这个具有世界水平的游乐园,就是为了满足市场和全社会对于高品质游乐的需求,」长隆集团总裁苏志刚说。 长隆欢乐世界地处广州番禺迎宾路,首期占地面积1000多亩,游乐设施近70项。欢乐世界引进了瑞士、荷兰、德国、意大利、美国等全球领先的游乐设备公司的设备,其中包括:十环过山车、摩托过山车、U型摩天滑板和超级水车大战等。 长隆欢乐世界分为儿童游乐项目为主的适合全家游玩的哈比王国、以大型惊险刺激设备为主的尖叫地带、以中古欧洲风格为主的旋风岛、以水为主题的欢乐水世界、以表演为主的中心演艺广场、以休闲为主的白虎大街六大主题园区。同时,为满足小朋友全天候游乐的需求,还建立了大规模的室内恒温儿童游乐城开心儿童乐园。 据长隆集团有关负责人介绍,这是目前国内设备最先进、科技含量最高、游乐设备最多的超级游乐园。 长隆欢乐世界365天开放,游园时间为10:00-19:00,黄金周与暑假将延长关园时间。 长隆欢迎世界介绍: 长隆欢乐世界是长隆集团世界级旅游王国中一颗新的明珠,位于中国首批5A级旅游景区长隆旅游度假区的中心位置,是集乘骑游乐、特技剧场、巡游表演、生态休闲、特色餐饮、主题商店、综合服务于一体,具国际先进技术和管理水平的超大型世界顶尖主题游乐园。 独有八项亚洲及世界之最 长隆欢乐世界由国际著名的主题乐园设计机构主持总体规划,游乐设备均从欧洲原装进口,其设计与技术保持国际领先水准。并创造了八项亚洲及世界之最: 1、垂直过山车被誉为“全球最顶尖过山车之王”,是长隆欢乐世界2008年春节最新引进的王牌项目,由世界上最知名的过山车制造商Bolliger&Mabillard;公司研发制造,是全球最顶尖的过山车和游乐设施。 2、十环过山车荣获吉尼斯世界纪录,全世界第二台(仅在英国有一台)、亚洲首次引进,由全球著名游乐设备提供商Intamin公司设计制造,创造了游乐设备环数最多的吉尼斯世界记录。 3、摩托过山车是东半球首台,其0到80公里弹射式加速仅需2.8秒,可与F1赛车速度相媲美,并获得世界游乐行业协会年度设计金奖。 4、U型滑板是世界最大、亚洲第一台,30多米高的巨型滑板,急速下滑与急速旋转双重体验,是园内最刺激的游乐设备之一。 5、超级大摆锤是世界最新最眩的大型机动游乐设备,由德国HUSS公司原厂进口, 号称“全球最大摆锤” 最高时速110公里/小时,最大摆幅240度,带您飞上42米高空, 天旋地转之间,令人目炫神迷,惊心动魄。 6、世界最大水陆空特效剧场——国际特技剧场,现正上演《惊爆危机岛》,由全球顶尖特技导演全程监制,国际著名特技大师倾情上演,结合爆破、枪战、烟火、声光、机动设备、滑水、高空特技等多种尖端特效,出奇不意,精彩绝伦,好莱坞动作大片真实再现。 7、亚洲最大的四维影院,现正上演《恐龙天劫》,由世界最先进立体数码影视技术全新创作,融合9大座椅效果与多项世界顶尖特效,国际一流四维影视班底精心雕琢,长隆独家打造,精彩全球独享。 8、号称“世界水上游乐之王”、老少皆宜的超级水战也是在亚洲首次引进。 八大主题园区欢乐大不同 全园分为儿童游乐项目为主的以及适合合家游玩的哈比王国、以大型惊险刺激设备为主的尖叫地带、以中古欧洲风格为主的旋风岛、以过山车王为主题的彩虹湾、以水为主题的欢乐水世界、以表演为主的中心演艺广场、以观赏类项目为主的历险天地、以及以购物休闲为主的白虎大街等八大主题园区。 哈比王国是儿童以及全家的游乐天堂,区域内30多项游乐设备不但都适合儿童游玩,也是合家游玩的理想场所,包括飞虎队、蹦跳车、桑巴气球、空中警察等儿童特别喜欢的设备。为满足小朋友全天候游乐的需求,长隆欢乐世界专门建造了一个目前全国最大的室内恒温儿童游乐城—开心儿童乐园,开心儿童乐园内适合儿童游玩的设备超过近20项,其中包括森林吉普车、泡泡大战、小型海盗船、勇敢球火队等。 动感地带、彩虹湾、历险天地等主题区,汇聚了当今世界最大型、最刺激,科技含量最高的垂直过山车、十环过山车、摩托过山车、U型滑板、超级大摆锤、超级水战六大顶尖游乐设施和四维影院、国际特级剧场两大世界顶尖的精彩表演。 欢乐水世界是以水为主题的园区,区域内除了超级设备水车大战外,还有急流勇进、丛林飘流、水上碰碰船等游乐设施,是夏秋两季游客的最爱。 在中央演艺广场区,拥有三个集中的表演场:有欢乐剧场的大型魔术、杂技表演和异国风情歌舞,有乐斗竞技场的北美伐木竞技表演,还有荟粹世界6大巡游特色的精灵盛宴狂欢彩车大巡游。同时在白虎大街和园区主要休闲地带,有菲律宾乐队、吉祥人偶、小丑高跷、土著部落、非洲战鼓等多项异国风情的互动逗趣、欢乐歌舞。 完善配套为您旅程添欢乐 长隆欢乐世界园区内餐饮购物等配套服务一应俱全。园内设有古堡餐厅、椰林餐厅、夏威夷餐厅、哈比餐厅4家中西风味的大型主题特色餐厅,还有充满东南亚浓郁风味的彩虹湾食街、哈比美食街、以及10多家新鲜熟食亭、蛋糕屋,均提供新鲜、卫生的美味食品和快捷便利的服务。在园区各主题区分布有5家主题商店,出售各式主题特色纪念品、精美礼品、时尚人气商品、游乐玩具以及各种便利品,让您尽兴游玩,把欢乐和美好记忆带回家。园区在中国唯一引进美国柯达公司最先进的数码同步高速拍摄设备,特设了7家欢乐影像站,让您在垂直过山车、十环过山车、摩托过山车、U型滑板、超级大摆锤、急流勇进等项目中的欢笑、刺激,由瞬间变成永恒。 长隆欢乐世界游乐及演艺水平均为国际领先,购物、餐饮等配套完善,为广大游客提供了多彩的世界级游玩体验,是真正适合每一个人游玩的欢乐天堂! 补充: 译文:Guangzhou as south China urban centres and the modern metropolis, tourism ranked first in the population, but always lack of a modern and international consumer trend of amusement park. Connect "The group to build denounce is gigantic endowment zhanglongjiudian the world level, the amusement park is in order to meet market and the whole society for high quality demand of amusement," said the CEO SuZhiGang chime-long group. The world is located in guangzhou panyu chime-long joy YingBinLu, covers an area of 1000 mu, nearly 70 rides. Joy to the world introced Switzerland and Holland, Germany, Italy, the United States and other leading global amusement equipment company equipment, including: ten roller coaster, motorcycle roller coaster, ring u-shaped slide and the super series wars, etc. Joy to the world into children"s amusement zhanglongjiudian the whole project for the first visit to large nerve-jangling kingdom, the equipment in medieval Europe, screaming zone of cyclone island, style of water themed water world, with the joy of performing arts center based on the square, leisure tiger six theme park street. At the same time, to meet the needs of children, all-weather amusement established large-scale indoor temperature YouLeCheng happy children"s paradise. According to chime-long group concerns chief introction, this is the present domestic most advanced equipments and technology content high, amusement equipment most super amusement park. Joy to the world zhanglongjiudian 365 days, time for 10-19 garden, with summer holiday will extend the time off. Welcome to the world: zhanglongjiudian chime-long happy world is a world class kingdom chime-long group, located in China"s pearl of new 5A scenic resorts zhanglongjiudian the center position, is a collection of rides, riding stunts theatre, cruise performances, ecological leisure, catering, and theme in shops, integrated services, international advanced technology and management level of super world top theme park. Only eight of Asia and the world most famous international zhanglongjiudian the joy of the theme park design organization to take charge of overall planning, amusement equipment imported from Europe, its design and technology leading international standards. And created eight Asian and world most: 1, the vertical roller coaster is known as "the king of all the top roller coaster" is joy to the world in 2008 spring zhanglongjiudian the newest introced by the world, ace program, one of the most famous roller coaster Bolliger&Mabillard; manufacturers, is a leading global company research and manufacture of the top roller coaster, and recreation facilities. 2, 10 rings roller coaster won the guinness book of world records, the world second only in Britain (a), first introced in Asia, the world famous amusement equipment provider Intamin company design manufacture, created the largest amusement equipment ring guinness world records. 3, the roller coaster is old motorcycle, its 0 to 80 km speed ejection type, and only 28 seconds F1 match speed, and obtain the world amusement instry association annual design award. 4, u-shaped slide is the world"s largest, Asia"s first, more than 30 meters high, slowed sharply with giant skateboard double experience, is rapidly spinning garden is one of the most exciting amusement equipment. 5 and super large penlum is the latest world most large motor glare, amusement equipment imported from Germany, the company boasts HUSS factory "global biggest penlum" top speed of 110 kilometers per hour, the biggest swing 240 degrees and show you fly 42 meters high, everything is between the eye dazzle god, thrilling. 6, the world"s largest international air effects theatre, presently is stunt theatre of the crisis, the global top island full procer, director of special effects on international famous master, combined with the blasting, houst gunplay, fireworks, light, mobile equipment, water skiing, upper air stunt etc. Various advanced effects, surprisingly, excellent, expecting big Hollywood action. 7, Asia"s largest four-dimensional cinema, now is the dinosaur days ", by the world"s most advanced technology of digital television brand new stereo, fusion of 9 big seat with many of the world"s top special effect, the international first-class four-dimensional film crew elaborate carve, the sole, wonderful zhanglongjiudian global alone. Eight, the so-called "the aquatic amusement" king of all ages, the super water-fight in Asia is introced for the first time. Eight different theme park joy into children"s amusement project dominated mainly suitable for family and the kingdoms, to his big adventure of equipment in medieval Europe, screaming zone of style, king of roller coaster whirlwind island for the theme of the rainbow bay, water themed water world, with the joy of performing arts center based on such projects, ornamental square of heaven and earth, and adventure shopping recreation of tiger eight theme park street. His children and family is the kingdom of heaven, amusement area more than 30 amusement equipment for children, not only is the ideal place for a visit, including tigers, jumping, samba balloon, the policeman, particularly fond of children. To meet the needs of children, all-weather amusement zhanglongjiudian the specially built a joy at the nation"s largest indoor temperature YouLeCheng children -- happy children"s park, happy children"s paradise for children"s equipment in more than 20 items, including forest jeep, bubbles, small pirate, brave ball of fire team, etc. The m-zone, rainbow bay, adventure and etc. Topic area, the world most large, the content of science and technology, the vertical roller coaster, ten top roller coaster, motorcycle roller coaster, ring u-shaped slide, super large penlum, super water-fight six leading recreation facilities and four-dimensional cinemas, two world top international super theatre performances. Joy is the water world theme park water area, except for the super equipment series JiLiuYongJin outside, still have a war, the jungle, water chess-and-card wander etc recreation facilities, autumn is one of the favorite. In the central square area, has three acting on BiaoYanChang: have the joy of the theatre, acrobatics and large magic dances, exotic music arena fights in North America, and logging performance taping of the six major cruise essence characteristic of carnival cruise floats big feast elves. While in the street and the main leisure tiger, have Philippine band, auspicious mmies, clown stilts, native tribes, African drum etc many exotic amorous feelings of the characters, joy and interaction. Complete set for your journey joy to the world park zhanglongjiudian happy shopping catering service, etc. It has the castle restaurant, homing restaurant, Hawaii restaurant, Chinese restaurant, 4 xabi flavor characteristics of large theme restaurants, and full of southeast Asia full-bodied flavor of the rainbow bay food street, hubby snacks, and more than 10 fresh food pavilion, cake, provide fresh and delicious food hygiene and swift and convenient services. In the park every topic area distribution has five topics, and sell all kinds of subject characteristics shop souvenirs, exquisite gift, fashionable popularity and all kinds of merchandise and amusement toys, let you enjoy conveniences, the joy and memory to take home. Park in China only the most advanced imported American kodak digital synchronous speed filming equipment, AD hoc seven home, let your joy images in the vertical roller coaster, ten roller coaster, motorcycle roller coaster, ring u-shaped slide, super large penlum, JiLiuYongJin projects, laughter, by instant becomes eternal. Joy to the world amusement and zhanglongjiudian acting for the international leading level of shopping, dining, perfect supporting etc, provide a colorful world, is really suitable for gameplay experience the joy of each visit heaven!



版权声明:admin 发表于 2021年10月22日 下午2:13。
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