这款降生于 2011 年的公交信息东西便是为此而生。假如说 Kickstarter 经过群体资金完成对于良好的团体名目筹款,维基百科借助世人聪慧完成对于自在常识的凑集,那末毫无疑难,Moovit 便是公交信息范畴的 Kickstarter 以及维基百科。
让用户奉献大众交通讯息?Moovit 的这套逻辑以及 Waze 有点类似,不外 Moovit 存眷的内容次要是大众交通,包含巴士、电车、地铁以及渡轮等多款东西。用户正在接入到 Moovit 后,会看到零碎供给周边的公交以及地铁站点信息。
Moovit 在疾速开展。他们正在往年三月颁布发表用户总数到达 60 万,9 个月后,这个数字曾经打破 300 万。他们还透露表现,天天用户天生的陈述超越 1000 万份,此中有 300 万来自挪动用户。如今,他们的效劳掩盖全世界 100 个都会。
Moovit 把正在路上的智妙手机用户酿成一个团体肉信息搜集以及发送器,搜集交通讯息并发送给社区内用户。不外 Moovit 的重心是正在大众交通范畴,因而除由用户上传的数据,Moovit 也会从大众资本处获得信息,比方火车站以及汽车站的时辰表等。正在输出终点以及起点以后,Moovit 会为用户挑选出婚配的大众交通出行道路。不只如斯,用户还能够收到对于该路线上交通东西的负载信息以及准点状况等信息,以便当提早做好变卦出行方案的预备。
Moovit is revolutionizing the way people experience public transport. By capitalizing on ‘crowd wisdom’, we transform the public transportation user’s experience by both saving time and reducing uncertainty. By using Moovit’s free mobile application, users can plan trips, receive and share real-time transportation information and easily navigate to their destination of choice.
Moovit helps take the hassle and uncertainty out of public transport:
1.Save time by avoiding ja妹妹ed and delayed routes;
2.Find out on which vehicles you can find available seats;
3.Track arriving buses & trains on the live map;
4.Choose route based on all public transport methods available;
5.Discover new routes you were never aware of;
6.Navigate easily with detailed point-to-point directions;
7.Receive real time updates such as arrival time notification, or get off at the next station alerts;
8.Easily share your route and co妹妹unicate with friends along the way.
So how does it work?
You anonymously share your public transport vehicle location and speed simply by riding with the app open during your trip. You can also choose to actively contribute relevant reports such as overcrowding on the bus, an accident that causes delays or an inaccurate station location on the map. By doing so, you join together with the co妹妹unity to create the best real time public transport data and extract much more from the existing public transport infrastructure.
As a user-generated platform, Moovit’s live data gets better the more people use it.
Save time, ride in peace, join the fun. Let’s Moovit, together.