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启示他守业的是本人一次难忘的游览阅历。他以及家人到希腊玩耍,刚巧被外地人约请抵家中共进晚饭,他吃到了一起上的餐馆里没吃到的道地食品,还以及仆人谈天聊患上非常高兴,理解到了很多外地的习俗文明。以是 Michlin 决议兴办 EatWith,让外地住民把本人的餐桌以及厨艺分享进去,为用户供给均价 30 到 50 美圆之间的餐点,款待正在路上的搭客,而 EatWith 会从中抽取至多 15% 的佣金。

初次进入EatWith主页的用户,需求依据本人的口胃注册一个账号,接上去就能够挑选成为搭客预订餐桌,或者是成为仆人供给餐桌。关于外地住民来讲,EatWith 协助他们正在家里做起餐饮小买卖添加支出,同时也给了他们结识差别人群的时机。而对于搭客来讲,他们能够以附近的价钱享用到非规范化的美食,还能正在餐桌上碰到异样来游览的人,看法新冤家,而且从仆人的口中理解理解外地的特征,那里好玩,那里坑爹,增加被向导忽悠的概率。

为包管供给的餐桌以及餐点品质,EatWith 如今采纳野生认证的办法,便是亲身到那些住民家里试吃食品,确保品质后,会正在网站上给供给餐点的住民发放认证。但 EatWith 但愿往后用户量逐步积聚起来,能把认证这个任务交给用户点评来实现。同时 EatWith 还会以及第三方机构协作,供给一百万美圆的保险,免除款待搭客激发食品中毒等成绩的担心。

不外今朝 EatWith 还只对于以色列的特拉维夫市以及西班牙的巴塞罗那凋谢,网站上如今有 130 个可供给餐桌的住民,但正有不计其数的餐桌租借请求从天下各地涌来,他们方案下一步对于纽约市凋谢。

On one very memorable evening in 2010, while vacationing on the island of Crete, I had the extraordinary privilege of dining at the home of the Papadakis family. The connection was made through a friend of a friend.

It was a small two bedroom apartment in a suburb of Heraklion (the main city in Crete). They were so excited to host a traveler for dinner that they invited their neighbors and their cousin from Athens to join. The main topic over dinner was the Greek financial crisis and how every family had at least one family member that was unemployed. Theirs was a perspective I definitely had not gotten from the headlines.

They offered me tips on places to visit, told me about restaurants where the locals eat, and even gave me a bottle of local Cretan liquor as a gift. I still have the bottle - it's empty. For dinner, we had an absolutely delicious Cretan dish known in Greek as, "makaronia with kreas vodino and tiri athotiro [on top]." Translation: spaghetti with meat (beef) and a local Cretan cheese (athotiro) on top. It was amazing!

After four hours - and I'm sure no one was looking at their watches - it was time to say goodbye. I originally planned on being there only two hours, but wow, how the time flew! Truly a unique experience I will never forget.

In all my years of traveling, connecting with the locals has always made my experiences more meaningful. I enjoy tours, museums, tourist sites, and eating at great restaurants. But as a tourist, it's easy to feel disconnected, like you're walking in a bubble. The best way to break the bubble and enrich your connection to a place is to interact with real people in their own private spaces. After my evening with the Papadakis's, this is exactly what happened.

I was inspired. When I returned home, I shared my experience with my friend Shemer, and we began to envision a global co妹妹unity of enthusiastic guests and passionate hosts. We imagined a website where users could discover amazing hosts around the world, delicious homemade cuisine, and recount their stories of unforgettable experiences.

So there you have it. That's how EatWith was born. If you're as passionate as we are about meeting new people, eating amazing homemade dishes and doing something a little different, then we would love to extend you a warm welcome to join our growing co妹妹unity!

