

终端设备硬件生产公司(Pervices)是YC支持的为数不多的硬件生产公司之一,Per Vices为应用开发者推出了一款称为Phi的PCI卡,这种PCI卡可以与任何无线电信号互联互通。

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  终端设备硬件生产公司(Pervices)是YC支持的为数不多的硬件生产公司之一,Per Vices为应用开发者推出了一款称为Phi的PCI卡,这种PCI卡可以与任何无线电信号互联互通。

  Per Vices的这种PCI卡可以很快“读懂”所有的无线电信号,并允许不同无线设备之间的通讯互动。也就是说,在终端设备上插上这种卡,你就可以实现:用一个设备遥控电视,打开车库或者关闭车库等。

  Per Vices的这款硬件可能改变整个无线通讯的大生态。理论上,现在用户可以创建一个允许各种移动设备和台式机之间相互通讯的无线网络,以实现对设备的智能化识别、定位、跟踪、监控和管理

  在Per Vices这款硬件的支持下,开发者现在可以开发相应的设备管理应用,视频播放应用,各种新型的通讯工具等。除此之外,有些开发者还在考虑用它来颠覆微软 的Kinect。

  Per Vices的这款PCI卡目前还只支持Linux系统,但是这款产品推向主流市场,只是时间问题。目前,这款卡片的售价是666美元,加上天线的售价是750美元。而其他竞争对手的售价在1300美元以上。

  Who We Are

  Headquartered in Toronto, Canada, Per Vices is a leading RF and digital systems innovator supplying multiple industries with wireless communication solutions.

  Per Vices is an industry leader in developing & deploying high performance software defined radio platforms with the highest bandwidth and customer focused designs, to support a wide variety of applications within defense, civil, aerospace, medical, telecommunications, low latency networks, and broadcasting & wireless management industries. Offering cost effective stock products and rapid custom development to meet customer specific modifications and project requirements.

  Why SDR

  Software definable radios are the future of wireless communications and RF solutions. Incorporating a flexible, multi-channel transmit & receive solution, our platforms can be configured as radio and digital receivers, transmitters, transceivers, pulse generators, waveform generators, and (de)modulators with advanced triggering and radio performance that can easily integrate into existing systems or offer turn key solutions. Connecting the globe throughout land, sea, air & space – the possibilities are limitless.

  Why Per Vices

  At Per Vices we are committed to providing the best solutions to our customers through our COTS stock solutions or working closely with customers to meet their system requirements. Our leading-edge SDR technology will help you achieve your goals – no matter how big or small. We have a dedicated team of engineers and experts that work diligently to create and customize an SDR platform that matches your needs and exceeds your expectations every step of the way.

