

Electroharmonix 字体一款很酷的英文字体,其灵感来自于日文设计并混合一些小的汉字笔画设计而成,看起来有一种日本风格,对于喜欢各种奇幻字体的设计师而言这样的免费字体可以保...

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Electroharmonix 字体一款很酷的英文字体,其灵感来自于日文设计并混合一些小的汉字笔画设计而成,看起来有一种东瀛风格,对于喜欢各种奇幻字体的设计师而言这样的免费字体可以保存起来备用。

Electroharmonix 原作者在十三年前创造了此字型,他从未想过有一天会搬到日本,必须学习读写日文。现在他已经能够阅读日文,同时意识到当年建立的字型有着严重的错位,于是遵循着片假名与汉字的绘制规则重新绘制这款字型,使它看起来更平衡,更具有规则,并加入对于标点符号、数字等字元的支持。

I’m Ray Larabie, from Ottawa, Canada. When I was very young, my grandmother brought me stacks of dry-transfer lettering (Letraset) from work. I learned the names of fonts and became an instant font junkie. When I got my first computer, the TRS-80, I got into font editing software and started making my own fonts. After attending a few years of art school, I went to college and got a Classical Animation Diploma. I ended up as an art director in the video game business but never lost my love for fonts. In the late 1990’s, I started making free fonts and releasing them on my site Ray Larabie Freeware Typeface of the Week. I changed the site name to Larabie Fonts and made fonts by the hundreds. In 2001, I started a commercial font venture. Two years later, I was able to quit my day job to work on fonts full time. I moved to Japan in 2008 and I continue making fonts to this day. My company is Typodermic Fonts Inc. based in the city of Nagoya, Japan.

