PSDRepo 网站是一个致力于于分享图标、网页模版、用户界面、Mockups等PSD素材资本下载的站点,其特征是收录了许许多多能够是工作中上会用到的PSD素材,能够说只需网站上供给的计划师们都能用的上。
PSDRepo 网站上的素材多半来自于Dribbble、Behance或其他设计师网站,你可以参考授权方式来进行使用、修改,或是单纯做为设计灵感来源,在首页找到许多近期加入的PSD 档案,若你想找寻特定类型的设计,也可以利用上面的选项进行筛选。
PSD Repo is an ever-growing collection of quality PSD files designed by talented creatives who choose to share their work for free with the rest of the community.If you would like to contribute and share a PSD file you designed, please use this form to do so.