

AndreWarcher 矢量插画艺术网是美国安德鲁·瓦切尔设计师用电脑和画笔创作的极富想象力的插画艺术作品展示网站,展示了他6年的创作历程。

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  AndreWarcher 矢量插画艺术网是美国安德鲁·瓦切尔设计师用电脑和画笔创作的极富想象力的插画艺术作品展示网站,展示了他6年的创作历程。


  I’m Andrew, and twenty six years ago I was born in Auckland, New Zealand, and this is where I still call home. I’ll admit, it’s been a hard time becoming a full time illustrator on a tiny island at the bottom of the world but since NZ is actually ahead of nearly everyone in the world timezones, i have used this to my advantage to read the future and beat deadlines like no-other. I’ve been working as an illustrator since 2006. Before that I studied graphic design and worked in the industry for a few years only to realize 80 percent of my "design" was actually illustration.

  I grew up with pens and paint but then the personal computer dominated the world and so I had to try it out, which is reflected in my work. I use a healthy mix of both traditional and digital techniques with no real preference of medium. I didn’t take art through my younger years, but I did eat crayons which quite possibly is where my off-beat colour palettes come from.

  I’m greatly inspired by surrealism, juxtapositions and sublime narratives but more specifically wood block prints, edo period art, cartoons, ideograms, characterization, travel and Asia. Through my work I’ve been lucky enough to work within a range of super cool mediums including editorials, advertising, web, moving picture, storyboards and more and continue to do so. I have also had the opportunity to work with a whole load of lovely people who continue to inspire and support me to do what I do.

