Startific致力于个人用户的在线体验。大部分云平台都是针对企业办公的性质,与个人办公平台兼容。Startific是纯个人版的云操作系统。可以把你常用的网站,RSS订阅,天气预报,购物价格跟踪,地理位置搜索等。,你在互联网上涉及到的所有事情,都可以在这个平台上合理安排。 Startific offers a special visual experience and act as a fully customizable startpag;, an organizer for favorite links and personal bookmarks; that is designed not only to be a productive tool but also provide a rich visual experience with icons and widgets, enables you to connect your favorite social networks and email providers, and allow you to share your content publicly with others.